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About this mod

Mesh changes to Femshep's vanilla casual outfits to be more practical. The new edits now allow outfits to reflect Shepard's Special Forces background/training.

Permissions and credits
Shepard's body now reflects her background as a member of the Special Forces. The new meshes update her casual outfits: Dress Blues, Naval Regs, Alliance Uniform, N7 Hoodie, Leather Dress, and Romance Body. The most changes you can see are in her upper body, where I added muscles to her arms and body while also getting rid of that atrocious breast shelf...thing from the original meshes. She also has a much thicker waist and shoulders. I wanted a buff Shep and so I made this mod - no sexualized Shepard here.

To check for updates, please look at the Changelogs. I keep things documented there :D


Naval Reg Uniform (Version 1.6)
This mesh is actually shared by other female NPCs, so as a result the default option included in this mod isn't unique to Shepard. The chest is flatter than the vanilla mesh and the arms are a bit thicker, but as a whole, there isn't too much of a change with it as I wanted it to be more compatible with other NPCs, like Traynor for example. However! I included added a version of this outfit that only Shepard has to her closet: in this newly added mesh, her shoulders are much broader and I added more muscles to her arms. Her waist is also a bit thicker as well, along with changes to her thighs and calves. Overall, she's just bigger. I have also updated the texture for the uniform and it's already included with the mod :) I looked up pictures of current military uniforms for women as inspiration for the changes. With the 1.6 update, I replaced the arms and reworked some weights for the Shepard-only Naval Regs. 

Alliance Uniform
I have updated the textures to the mesh as well because the atrocious chest shelf in the vanilla texture creates a weird line and shadows on the edited mesh. Just like the naval regs uniform, I looked up pictures of military uniforms for women as inspiration for the new changes. If you'd like to see my mod replace the intro uniform, I recommend the LE3 Prologue Outfit Customization mod! I tried to include a version of this uniform that replaced the intro but it's currently not...working out? My game keeps crashing when I test it, so tragically, replacing the intro is not something I can do this very moment now with my VERY limited modding skills :( 

Dress Blues
The suit now falls a little straighter without an emphasis on her waist. I thought it was weird that the suit emphasized her waist the way it did so I flattened the chest, and made things a little more consistent with the changes I've made to every outfit Shepard wears. Fixed the curvature of her spine and widened her shoulders as well.

N7 Hoodie
I flattened Shepard's chest with the hoodie and made her legs a tad bit thicker. The hoodie seems more oversized, in a way, with my version! I wanted it to look consistent with her new body, so you can still kinda tell that she's now bulkier even with the sweater.

Romance Body 
I would like to note that I think it's odd how...thick vanilla Shepard is in her lower body, especially considering how I didn't have to make many edits to her thighs and calves. Very weird. Her upper body, on the other hand, was much harder because of her noodle arms. For this, I used references from current and former female MMA fighters to make sure everything was proportionate and I wasn't adding muscles to areas that just don't have them. Her arms are now big (emphasis on big) and her chest is much smaller to make things more balanced with the changes I made. She's no longer sticking her stomach out with her back arched extremely as well. My goal was to pay homage to women who have a similar background to Shepard. The open seam on Shepard's has been altered and fixed, so it's not noticeable and practically seamless with the 1.5 update.

Leather Dress
With the dress, similar to the body, I used MMA fighters as a reference, especially for her arms/shoulders. Along with this, I fixed her stomach so it no longer is sticking out, as well as adjusted where her waist rests in the dress. Just to mess around I tried to stand like how Shepard does in-game and nope! Literally impossible to walk around and stand like that.

Katsumi LE2 Dress (Update 1.5.5)
After being asked a few times, I finally ported over the dress from the second game with the same edits made to the leather dress. She's beefier and bigger, and I attempted to fix her back arch and whatnot. it's consistent with all other edits. Hopefully, the texture looks okay because I had to mess around with the spec map a little. I added pics from the third game of the dress :)

Scientist Uniform
The changes to this uniform are actually pretty basic. I edited it so that it's more balanced and less...well, the way it is in the vanilla version. The arms and legs are a little bit bigger now and I made the waist thicker as well, but the changes aren't drastic. The new changes don't match the changes I made to Shepard, because I think the scientist outfit is used by other NPCs, but I could definitely be wrong about that. 

As a whole, I tried to keep the changes consistent throughout all the outfits/armors and hopefully, you'll like them! Most of the changes can be found in the pictures I uploaded.



There are no requirements! This mod affects anything that edits Shepard's body will not be compatible.

A patch has been made for Zeb's T-Shirt and Leggings by zebbros. If you have their mod installed, my patch will simply update the mesh to reflect Shepard's updated body from this mod! Images have been uploaded, so check them out :)


Just drop my mod into ME3Tweaks Mod Manager to install. Don't forget to click Import and then Install.

You can disable or delete this mod in ME3Tweaks to uninstall. 



Also, just a quick note, this is my first mod (made simultaneously with my Squadmates mod) so there are definitely some issues I probably didn't catch. I tried my best to make sure that this mod works and I hope everything works smoothly! Thank you so much to the ME Discord as well, as many people hyped up this mod and left me such kind comments :D Also thank you so much to the modders who created the LegendaryExplorerWiki (and continue to update/add to it) because without it I never would've been able to do any of this.

Thank you also to zebbros for allowing me to make a patch for their amazing mod :D

I'd love to see your Shepard's with my edits :D Please don't hesitate to tag me in pictures (you can find me on Tumblr) or upload them here to the mod!



Shorter Hairstyles for Femshep I (MELE2)
Practical Bodies for Shepard (MELE2)

New Casuals I for Femshep (MELE3)
New Casuals II for Femshep (MELE3)
New Casuals III for Femshep (MELE3)
New Outfits I for Shepard (MELE3)
New Undergarment Sets for Shepard (MELE3)
Practical Bodies for Casual Shepard (MELE3)
Practical Bodies for Shepard's Armors (MELE3)
Practical Bodies for Squadmates (MELE3)
Shorter Hairstyles for Femshep (MELE3)
Shorter Hairstyles for Femshep II (MELE3)  
Shorter Hairstyles for Femshep III (MELE3)

Some Armors for Shepard I (MELE3) 
Transparent Breather Helmet for Shepard (MELE3)

