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About this mod

Alternative to CC Survival Mode and CC Camping but much more.
Cold survival, needs, diseases, bathing, camping gear, drugs and potions, spell learning, skill and common books are overhauled, immersive encounters, boats, carriages and silt striders added, new bar wenches to serve you, craft bandoliers and pouches, improved weapon meshes.

Permissions and credits
TLDR: Cold survival, inventory management, needs, diseases, bathing, camping gear, animal loot value revised makes hunting more worthwhile, drug use visuals, potion toxicity and addiction, spell learning, skill books and common books are overhauled, commission craftspeople, get lycanthropy immersively, hop on boats and carriages, watch the silt striders, meet new tavern wenches, face immersive situations on the roads of Skyrim. Takes up a plugin slot, BSA file to load assets and scripts more efficiently.

Special notice to Bikiniborn EX users: it's advisable that you configure Inventory Limits first limit field for the max possible internal carryweight (300), otherwise it will be a long time before you can wear a full suit of bikini armor (and several pouches, backpack and bandoliers). Remember, Nirnfeel means to increase difficulty in several aspects, I think it successfully impedes you from becoming OP.

If you're on Skyrim AE latest version (v. 1.16.1170), you NEED to have SunHelm Survival and needs at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community ( installed (just click on the link, check requirements and follow install instructions). I have tested this in AE and everything Nirnfeel is working. Check the screenshots of the Sunhelm MCM here for the exact settings (basically you need to turn on the mod and disable all its settings).

IMPORTANT! Foreword:

This is a collection of previously released mods, carefully merged into one plugin, tweaked to work together, tested and curated by me to realize a gameplay overhaul to Skyrim.
This is not just a small feature mod, so please don't expect it to be compatible with everything on the Nexus.
It's adjusted to my playstyle and I'm sharing it for those who want to integrate many features in a single mod, as I myself appreciate that possibility. 

Nirnfeel at a glance:

From the several survival, needs, camping, and diseases mods I've used, I've come to develop an idea of what I wanted for my game.
My goal is having something with the most compatibility possible with modded content, that I can grab from one place, that takes only one plugin slot and has all the features I want for it while being compatible with my other overhaul mods (Gleanerborn for arts and crafts, cooking and magic, DyNaMo for the combat experience, WeReLight for weathers, shadows and visuals, Kyne's Blight for custom characters and gear, and of course, my goliath of a mod Bikiniborn EX, that with a world-building concept overhauls and adds to Skyrim in many aspects).

Enter Nirnfeel Immersion Overhaul. I wanted to go beyond the simple cold survival, needs and diseases here, to make Skyrim feel more ALIVE for the character, so I'm also revising the way the player interacts with knowledge and substances, the amount the PC can carry, as well as adding immersion in the form of dynamic events in the world, with the goal of making Skyrim more random, replayable and interesting.

Full Features


+ configurable limits to inventory
+ advanced and configurable cold survival system
+ fast travel disabling/limiting
+ configurable basic needs: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep (incompatible with mods that alter vanilla food, mod new food won't work without a patch)
+ configurable food spoilage and scarcity in abandoned places and dungeons (again, this would have to be patched for mod new food)
+ diseases overhaul, with the inclusion of lycanthropy (other new diseases are fine to add, while mods that edit vanilla diseases will conflict)
+ configurable you can milk cows for jugs of milk
+ toggleable craftable camping gear (a small tent with a cot inside, a bedroll and a campfire can be crafted, if you have a cast iron pot, you can cook at the campfire, all generate warmth for player character) - to place any of these, drop them from your inventory, Crouch then press activate. Campfire needs 3*firewood
+ toggleable no shrine cure disease
+ simple bathing interaction (requires soap,but doesn't require you to be in water, for better compatibility)
+ configurable alcohol, drugs and some alchemical ingredients have visual and other effects (not compatible with alcohol and drugs edits from mods, new alcoholic beverages and drugs should be fine but need to be patched to apply similar effects)
+ configurable potions are toxic and become gradually ineffective with repeated uses (should be compatible with any potions)
+ poison attacks such as from Frostbite Spiders or Chaurus cause toxicity to rise (toxicity effects can range from a slight visuals change to tripping, paralysis or blackout, while addiction to potions causes that repeated use of potions makes them less and less effective = no more potion chugging, people)
+ books overhaul: common books have a chance to give skill experience (not compatible with new mod books, would need a patch), skill books no longer give a skill level but instead make learning that particular skill easier for a period of time (should be compatible with mod skill books), spell tomes are no longer consumed on read and are required to hold in inventory to be able to cast the spell until it's mastered (compatible with all spells that have a tome, notice interactions with Inventory Limits, you won't be able to carry your whole library of tomes around, so choose your spells right!)
+ there is a sketchbook to complete with visits to several locations in Skyrim and a potential new buff when every place has been visited
+ configurable you can ask an artisan to craft something for you, as long as you have the materials and required money (should be compatible with craftable armor, weapons and other items from mods, they must have a recipe though)
+ boats and carriages move around and you can get on them
+ Silt striders stride along in Solstheim
+ configurable while on the road, there's a chance that you might meet an unexpected character or situation
+ Animal loot values improved, to make hunting not only necessary but also more worthwhile
+ Craft small and medium body pouches as well as bandoliers.
+ Improved vanilla weapon meshes.

+ most new features are configurable from their respective MCM pages
+ only one plugin slot is used
+ deeper, more immersive approach to needs, survival and camping than CC Survival Mode, but for a more relaxed and less "micromanagey" experience


+ requires SKSE, SkyUi, Address Library for SKSE, Papyrus Utils

Cold Survival:



(from n1tor's original mod page)

Hypothermia is governed by several variables:

Player's core temperature
Body heat generation
Ambient temperature - Initial environmental temperature
Effective temperature - After all modifiers
Determined by:
Player's location in Tamriel
Weather (pleasant, cloudy, rainy, and snowy weather
Simple windchill equation
Time of day
Month of the year (linear scale from -2.5 in Winter to +8 in Summer)

The player's coretemp and body heat generation is compared to the effective temp.
If the effective temp is lower, the coretemp gradually begins to drop. When it reaches a threshold,
the player develops the next stage of hypothermia and the effects appear.

Core temperature loss is avoided using various methods:

All torso clothing provides a basic 20% insulation against the cold. The following armors provide even more protection:

- 15% Extra insulation
- Fur armor with sleeves
- Daedric
- Stormcloak officer's cuirass

- 10% Extra insulation
- Sleeveless fur armor
- All Steel armors
- All Orcish armors
- Psijic robes
- Archmages robes
- Thieves Guild armor
- Fine clothes 2 (looks like a blanket - Nazeem wears it)
- Fine clothes 1 (the one with the fur collar)
- Various others

Cloaks: 15%
Boots: 5%
Hoods/Hats: 10%

The following provide a fixed amount of warmth to combat the cold:

Torches: +3
Fire cloak: +100
Warmth Potion: +100
Nearby Fires: +50

Saturation gradually increases in the rain and immediately jumps to 100% when swimming. Saturation strongly affects windchill and insulation factor.

Frost Resistance boots your body heat by up to 40% AND slows the rate at which your coretemp drops by a proportional amount.
100% Frost Resistance = Unaffected by the cold (helpful for stage 4 vampires)

Exercise: Running or swimming boosts body heat by 10%, sprinting by 70%
If you're struggling to stay warm, go for a run. It may give you the extra heat you need.
(Not entirely accurate for the real world, but helpful in-game.)

Shivering is always simulated and slightly boosts coretemp, but it's only visible if you enable camerashake.


Argonians ignore saturation, but have lower coretemp due to their reptilian cold blood.
Khajiits have an insulation bonus, but they have a higher maximum saturation, so they're more vulnerable when they get wet.
Werewolves in beast form have a bodyheat that should keep them warm in nearly any situation.


Hypothermia consists of three stages (spells and drains) that apply different damages based on core temperature:

Mild Hypothermia:
-Gradual stamina drain *
-Stamina regen -50% *
-Temporary pickpocket and lockpicking skill decrease from shivering/shaky fingers
-Frost effects at onset **
-Warm arms animation *
-Disabled fast travel (only while temp is dropping) *

Moderate Hypothermia:
-Gradual stamina drain *
-Stamina regen -100% *
-Health regen -50% *
-Magicka regen -50%
-Slow by 10% (25% if not wearing boots)
-Blurred vision shader (from Quick Reflexes)
-Frost effects **
-Cough animation *
-Disabled fast travel *

Severe Hypothermia:
-Gradual stamina drain *
-Gradual Health drain at minimum core temp *
-Health regen -100% *
-Slow by 25%
-Blurred vision shader (from Sleeping Tree Sap)
-Frost effects **
-Cough animation *
-Disabled fast travel *

Animations: *
- Stand close to and facing a standard campfire, after a few seconds, PC will perform warm hands animation, crouch for a different animation
- No animations for giant fires or braziers
- Only in 3rd person view, PC will perform animation when transitioning to a new stage of hypothermia (Mild: Warm Arms, Mod: Cough, Severe: Cough)
- These animations disable 1st person view for a few seconds to avoid BAD animation bugs (COC to last interior if you're curious)
- ONLY in 3rd person view with no weapons/torch/shield/magic equipped and "up"

* Configurable
** Disabled by default, but configurable

(from Granson's Hypothermia Plus page)

- In-game notifications -

- Saturation info.
You get notifications about your char's saturation ("I feel completely dry / damp / wet / dripping wet / totally soaked") depending on your char being saturated by up to 25%/50%/75%/100%. No more checking the spell effects tab multiple times.

- Ambient temperature info.
Every time ambient temperature has changed by at least 2 degrees Celsius, you get a notification ("Feels really hot / nice and warm / almost warm / fresh / quite cool / cold / frosty / icy cold here") depending on ambient temperature being over 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0 / -5 / -10(or less) degrees Celsius. By default notifications include ambient temperature in degree Celsius and wind-speed in km/h. By design ambient temperature does not consider fire's warmth, warming drinks, meals and such. You are provided with information you need and don't get from anywhere else. You will still have to decide for yourself whether you should look for shelter / make a fire / build a tent etc.

- Core temperature widget.
A small widget in the upper left corner of the screen indicates falling (blue) and rising (red) core temperature. The widget is invisible as long as your char's core temperature doesn't change, so most of the time.

- Notification on beginning hypothermia.
You will get informed, when (mild) Hypothermia begins and when you are ok again. No info for moderate and severe hypothermia, since both of them show obvious symptoms.

- Complete configurability.
You can configure everything. You can easily save, load and share your settings. Save your settings during playthrough A and reload them for playthrough B. Now also available in the SSE version!

- Written Guides -

Hypothermia MCM menu documentation. Every setting is explained in detail.

Hypothermia Survival Guide for Beginners. How to survive with default settings. Facts. Formulas. Almost everything you might want to know about Hypothermia! Pdf-file. Learn about Skyrim's climate system as introduced by Hypothermia, and what to expect during your next journey.

- Compatibility-Patches

- Implemented Real Shelter support - though Real Shelter is not yet available for SSE
Works for rain, snow and wind. Improved shelter detection. When entering a shelter, you won't get wet any more. Windchill-based rise of thermal conduct is reduced when standing under a shelter.

- Implemented support for Chesko's Campfire - Complete Camping System's fires and tents incl. SDK.
Crackling and roaring campfires give the fire's warmth buff. If you already use my patch for Hypothermia and Campfire, you won't need that one any more. Frees a plugin slot. Campfire's tents supported! Leather tents 100% waterproof! Fur tents add great amount of insulation.

- Implemented support for (upcoming?) SSE versions of Camping Lite by McGuffin and Campsite by Kinaga
Campfires and tents are supported. Leather tents 100% waterproof! Fur tents add great amount of insulation. Since entering Camping Lite's and Campsite's small tents is not possible, just stand (or crouch) directly in front of their entrances to be 'sheltered'

- Fixes -

- Implemented standard wind-chill formula
as used in Canada, U.S. and U.K. New formula considers temperature besides wind-speed: When it is warm, you won't notice wind-chill very much at all, but the colder it gets, the more noticable wind-chill will become.

- Fixed bug in the original mod ver. 1.5.
Some of the ambient temperature calculations were skipped. Temperatures must have been way too high especially in cold and northern regions. Whoever changed Hypothermia's default settings, because everything seemed way too easy, might reconsider using defaults.

- Changed temperature buff on pleasant days (+5 C by default).
Buff is canceled out from 19.00 until 7.00, reduced by 2/3 from 7.00 till 9.00, and reduced by half from 17.00 until 19.00. Nights with clear skies are not warmer than overcast nights. They tend to be cooler.

- Fixed minor bugs in the original mod.
Air temperature buff in some areas of Eastmarch was not applied due to wrong coordinates. Water temperature buff in some areas of Eastmarch was not applied due to wrong coordinates. Added a check for worldspace in the water temperature buff section of Hypothermia script.

- Fixed log spam.
A missing check for interiors in HypoPlayerListenerScript and some 'left over' code in Hypothermia.pex caused log spam. These issues are fixed by Hypothermia Plus. These are the bugs that were adressed by Bystander's (Oldrim) Hypothermia 1.5 Patch; you do not need his patch when using Hypothermia Plus



(from Perseid9's original page)

This mod is compatible with vampire, werewolves and cannibalism. Vampires have no need for food or water, and werewolves/cannibals feeding will satisfy hunger and thirst.

Also, skooma can come in handy sometimes, unless you're a perfect law-abiding citizen, it doesn't hurt to keep a few bottles in your backpack.

Progressive Diseases: Diseases are no longer easily ignored nonsense. Initial syndromes are still mild (as in vanilla), but without treatment, things get worse, much worse, over time. Find a cure as soon as possible! But if you can't afford a cure, you can always rest and hope for the best, there is a chance your body will slowly fight off the disease by itself if you get enough rest. By rest, I mean a clean bed and warm fire, you're likely to catch more diseases sleeping in a dirty bandit camp!
Disease Fatigue, if enabled, you will get tired more quickly, also can't sleep well when diseased. Please check for disease effects first if your character suffers sleep disorder.

You can toggle "Shrines Cure Diseases" in MCM, it really adds to realism in terms of these disease progression changes.

Check Needs:

When you start the mod, you will gain a “Check Needs” power, so you can bind it to a hotkey for quick checking. You can also enable debug mode to have it display needs points.
Hotkeys: If you have SKSE, this mod also adds hotkeys for Check Needs <default N> and Drink from Stream<default B>, the drink key doubles as “empty” key, if you want to empty a bottle or waterskin without drinking its content, highlight the bottle/wine in inventory, then hit B; the keys are configurable in MCM.

Hunger has 6 stages:
Gluttony - I have eaten too much. Speed -30%.
Satiated - Health, stamina regeneration +10%.
Peckish - Ready for a snack. (no bonus or negative effect)
Hungry - Health, stamina regeneration -30%.
Very Hungry - Health, stamina regeneration -60%. Sneak is 25% harder. Attack damage -25%.
Starving - Health, stamina regeneration -90%. Carry Weight -50. Attack Damage -50%.

Eating and drinking animations when you eat/drink.
-Animations are disabled automatically while playing in first person view.
New and modified recipes, alternative texture for stews.
There is 15% chance eating raw food will catch diseases.
Stale/spoiled food not only tastes disgusting, but will also give you diseases.
Food items in barrels, sacks have been greatly reduced, and most of them you do find will be stale.
Some large food items like cheese wheels will provide several servings, you don't finish the whole thing in one bite.

Thirst has 5 stages:
Quenched - Magicka, stamina regeneration +10%.
Slightly Thirsty - Ready for a drink. (no bonus or negative effect)
Thirsty - Magicka, stamina regeneration -30%.
Very Thirsty - Magicka, stamina regeneration -60%. Time between shouts +25%. Spells 25% less effective.
Dehydrated - Magicka, stamina regeneration -90%. Time between shouts +50%. Spells 50% less effective.

Drinking ale/mead or wine will give you empty bottle, any vanilla "empty wine bottle" you pick up will also be converted into reusable ones.
You can refill empty bottles and waterskins in any river (stand in water then click the bottle), or you can ask for clean water in inns and taverns.
Drinking river water directly can cause diseases, boil before drinking. Spring water (currently only available from drinking fountains) is safe to drink.
Herbal Tea will give you +10 speech for 300 seconds, milk is also available if you don't mind being a milk drinker.
If you have installed Drinking Fountains of Skyrim, activate the fountain to refill all your empty bottles, or sneak-activate to drink directly from the fountains (TheManaVault: this feature is untested, as I don't use Drinking Fountains of Skyrim).

For cooking, you need to convert bottled water into plain “water” (flagon), I did this so I don't have to duplicate recipes for different types of water containers. Water conversion gives you empty bottles back. Many innkeepers now also stock everyday cooking ingredients, things like salt, garlic, honey, chicken eggs, elves ears, frost mirriam, etc.
Seawater: If you run out of salt, you can collect seawater using empty bottles along the coastline, boiling seawater gives you salt.

Food Spoilage, if enabled, this mod will keep track of food items in player inventory, you can configure how long it takes for each type of food to spoil, you can also collect (25% chance) molds and rotten flesh from those spoiled junk, and use them in alchemy.

Inebriation has 5 stages: With visual and stumbling effects.
Sober - I'm sober. (no bonus or negative effect)
Dizzy - Good stuff, just a bit dizzy. Unarmed Damage +5, Damage Resist +10.
Drunk - My head is spinning. Unarmed Damage +10, Speech -15, Magicka regeneration -15, Spells 50% less effective, duration -50%.
Wasted - I'm completely wasted...Magicka and Stamina regeneration -25, Spells 85% less effective, duration -85%.
Blackout - Knocks you out right on the spot, only to wake up 4 hours later head spinning.

Sleep has 5 stages:
Well/Rested - Same as in vanilla
-Werewolf will get a "Restless Beast" stage instead, just to keep it lore friendly.
Slightly tired - Ready for a nap. (no bonus or negative effect)
Tired - Carry Weight -30, Skills improve 25% slower.
Very tired - Carry Weight -60. Skills improve 50% slower. Speed -20%.
Exhausted - Carry Weight -90, Skills improve 75% slower. Speed -30%.

You must sleep for enough hours to get fully rested. There is no need to sleep consecutive hours though, if you wake up still tired, you can simply go back and take another nap. The "dirty bedroll" disease chance is actually location based, not which bedroll you use. The name itself is a bit misleading. Because if the place is filthy you bedroll is doomed to get dirty once you throw it down on the floor. ;) Avoid locations like dungeons, bandit camps, animal dens etc., pick a clean spot and you will be fine.

Configuration: You can configure Hunger/Thirst/Fatigue rate, disease chance and many other options in game, to better fit your timescale and play style.

For whoever wants to do the math, here's the details:
Hunger: Gluttony(0) – Satiated(5) – Peckish(30) – Hungry(60) - Very Hungry (120) - Starving (240) (capped at 240)
Thirst: Quenched(0) - Slightly Thirsty(40) - Thirsty(80) - Very Thirsty(160) - Dehydrated(240) (capped at 240)
Sleep: Well/Rested(0) - Slightly tired(30) - Tired(60) - Very tired(120) – Exhausted(240) (capped at 240)
Take hunger for example, hunger rate 6 means 6 hunger points per game hour, so it takes about 10 hours to go from full to hungry; if you put it on 1, it means 1 hunger point per game hour, that's 24 points a game day, and will take you about 3 days to get hungry. The same applies to thirst and sleep. This mod doesn't rely on timescale, because I use in-game time in scripts, not real time. No matter what timescale you use, a game day is still 24 game hours. But timescale does affect player perception, how frequently you need to eat and such when you play the game.

Inebriation: Sober(0) - Dizzy(30) - Drunk(60) - Wasted(90) - Blackout(150) (capped at 150)
You can adjust alcohol level for weak/normal/strong alcoholic beverages, the higher the value the quicker you get drunk. Take weak alcohol mead for example, the default is 10, which means, when you drink one bottle of mead, it increases your alcohol points by 10 (the actual number will vary slightly in game from bottle to bottle), when your alcohol points reach 30 (after about 3 meads), you get slightly tipsy, at 60 (after 6 meads) you get drunk. So if you lower the value from 10 to 5, you can drink approx. 12 meads before getting drunk.

You can toggle "Milkdrinker's Blessing" in MCM, which allows you to craft a special bucket for milking cows.

Compatibility & Patches:
A patch for Gleanerborn - Resourcefulness in Skyrim is available in optional downloads.
A patch for Bikiniborn EX - Huntress of Skyrim is available in optional downloads.
Not compatible with same type needs/diseases mods of course.
You'll also need to load this mod after any other mods that modify vanilla food.
This mod is compatible with Frostfall
This mod is compatible with Realistic Water Two
This mod is compatible with WATER - Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux
This mod is compatible with SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
This mod is compatible with Better Vampires
This mod is compatible with Skyrim Redone, please load this mod after SkyRe
This mod is compatible with Sands of Time
This mod is compatible with Harvest Overhaul
This mod is compatible with Hunterborn
This mod is compatible with Nature of the beast II
This mod is compatible with Fishing in Skyrim

Camping and Hunting:


(From Perseid9's original page)

This mod provides a set of basic camping gear, including tent, bedroll, tinderbox, and cooking pot.
The camping equipments are craftable, also available for purchase from general merchants.
The bedroll can be used standalone, or with a tent.
To use, drop it on the floor, sneak-activate to unpack the bedroll.
To pitch a tent with a bedroll, you must have both Traveller's Tent and Bedroll in inventory, then pitch the tent.
Drop it, sneak-activate to pitch, a cot will be placed inside the tent automatically.
To build a campfire, you must have at least 3 firewoods and a tinderbox.
Drop the tinderbox, sneak-activate to build campfire.
If you have a Cast Iron Pot in inventory, a cooking pot will be placed by the fire as well.
Campfire lasts for 6 hours, you can activate the fire to add more firewoods, add/remove cooking pot, or sneak-activate it to put out the fire.
If left unattended, campfire will burn out then remove itself after 24 hours.

Animal Loot values have all been steeply increased, making hunting worthwhile. Not only pelts, but also teeth or tusks are now much more valuable. This, along with Needs section and camping gear, makes for a (very simplified) implementation of Hunterborn/Simple Hunting Overhaul/Hunting in Skyrim.
A patch for Bikiniborn EX - Huntress of Skyrim is also available.



The bathing section of this mod makes use of a potion called Soap. You can't get clean by swimming, on the other hand you don't need to be standing on water for the potion to work (it's just better in terms of roleplay).

Here is the full information:
After you activate the mod, you start completely clean.
Once 40 hours have passed, you will start seeing a message warning you that you are getting filthy.
Warning messages will re-appear every hour until you bathe or you become filthy.
Once 48 hours have passed without bathing, your character will become filthy.

When filthy, prices are 25% worse and your Health recovers 50% slower.

To clean yourself, you must use a bar of soap.
There is currently no requirement that you must be standing in water.
When you bathe, if you are not in combat and your weapon is not drawn, an animation will play.

You start with 5 bars of soap.
Soap is added to vendor stocks randomly and dynamically, so you may see it show up in general stores or on some NPCs.


You can craft 5 bars of soap at a time using Troll Fat and Charcoal at a Cooking Pot.

Inventory Limits:


(from RassAdamBaker's original page)

This mod creates logical “limiter slots” which your items fit into. If you try to pick up an item, but its designated slot is already full, you can’t carry the item, so you’ll drop it and receive a notification instead.

Each slot has a base capacity, which can be boosted or reduced by equipping backpacks, bandoliers, or pouches. Frostfall backpacks, Campfire backpacks and Wet&Cold backpacks are all supported!

Bandoliers and pouches from Bandolier are all integrated into this mod! Craft them at a tanning rack!

The slots have been built for a blend of hardcore realism and playability, but are fully customizable via MCM. By default, you’ll have enough room to carry what you need to explore, but not much more. A backpack certainly helps, but you still won’t be able to horde loot like you can in vanilla. You’ll need to wisely choose what to bring on a quest, and which loot to carry away from a dungeon. This has a side-effect of helping to balance the economy, since you’ll no longer be able to drag a dozen super valuable suits of armor into town for sale.
The mod differentiates between equipped and unequipped (stowed) items, so you can adjust those individually. I also added a few custom user slots so you can customize it exactly how you want it.

Vanilla Carry Weight:

My mod does not monitor or modify anything about the vanilla carry weight mechanic. The idea here is that now you'll need to manage both volume and weight. In practice, my mod is way more restrictive, so you'll usually cap out on volume before you cap out on weight. Personally, I use the console command "player.modav carryweight -100" to reduce my carry weight to a more realistic level, and use Cobb Encumbrance (TheManaVault: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) to make my character move slower as they carry more and heavier items.

Slots Defined:

Slot #0 – General storage: Everything that doesn’t fit anywhere else goes here. Primarily armor, clothes, books, food, alchemy ingredients, and all the miscellaneous clutter you find. Without a backpack, you have the capacity for a full suit of armor, clothes, and some limited supplies for exploration. To haul anything beyond that, you’ll definitely want a backpack.

Slot #1 – Sheaths/weapons: You can carry six two-handed weapons, seven one-handed weapons, or a mix thereof. Wearing a backpack actually reduces this capacity a bit, since you can no longer sling weapons on your back. You’ll have enough for your main weapons, and maybe one or two extra to bring back to town for gold.

Slot #2 – Quiver: You can hold up to 60 arrows, or 50 bolts, or a mix thereof. Squeeze any more than that into your quiver, and you won’t be able to easily grab them out when needed.

Slot #3 – Coin purse: Highly valuable items (gems, soul gems, and jewelry) are securely kept here, away from the other stuff where they might get lost or damaged. Originally, this mod also limited gold here, but this made it impossible to carry enough gold for big purchases like houses, so now the gold limit has been disabled by default, so you can carry as much gold as your heart desires.

Slot #4 - Fragile bottles: You certainly can’t put your potions and mead in your backpack along with iron ingots, or you’ll have a mess on your hands! So keep your fragile bottles in the side pockets instead. You can only hold just a few without a backpack, but backpacks and bandoliers increase this capacity significantly.

Slot #5 – Hiding spots: lock picks are fragile enough that you don’t want them stuffed in with the other items in your backpack, and you need to keep them hidden from the guards to avoid suspicion. You can find spots to hide ten on your body, and a few more with every backpack/pouch/bandolier you equip.

Slots #6 through #9 – Custom user slots: By default, no items are assigned to these slots, but you can do so via the MCM. Use these as you see fit! The only thing you cannot customize via MCM is the overcapacity notification message - but you can do that via SSEEdit. Power users, see the image for an explanation of where to go to change that variable.


The Inventory Limit feature is fully configurable via MCM, under the “RAB Inventory Limits” heading.
Adjust the limiter slot capacity, backpack and other pack (bandolier/pouch) bonuses on the “Limiters slots” page. It also displays current slot capacity and usage here.
Adjust the item sizes, AND which slot they go into, on the “Items” page. Set any size to zero to stop this mod from restricting it.
On the "Misc options" tab, you can adjust what the mod considers a "medium" or "large" item. Also, you can choose to include or exclude weightless items (eg keys and notes) and/or mystery items that the mod can't accurately identify.
Any time you open and close the MCM, the mod will complete re-calculate all slots. This could take a minute or so, depending on how many items you have in your inventory at the time.
The only thing you CAN'T configure via MCM are the over-capacity messages you receive when a slot maxes out. To adjust those, you need to modify the ESP file via xEdit. For you power users, I've attached an image showing where to find those strings.


A few mods such as Assigned Storage and Honed Metal add large quantities of crafting materials to the player, which instantly overloads those slots, causing my mod to dump those items in a big pile at your feet.
You can adjust the sizes of ingots/ores and pelts/hides/leather. Set both sliders to "0" if you're using a conflicting mod to turn make those items un-limited.
The mod will not drop anything picked up, if its quantity is 50. Why? Honed Metal adds ingots/materials to the player, 50 at a time, causing the chaos above. It's a janky workaround, but it'll let you use Honed Metal without setting the sliders to 0, and without causing materials to go flying all over.

If you remove a backpack while your slots are already nearly maxed out, it’s likely the slots will then be overcapacity. Originally, the mod removed items to get you back under the limit, but that quickly became problematic when I’d remove a backpack to take a bath or sleep, sending items flying all over. Now, though you’re overcapacity, it won’t drop items… you’ll just remain overcapacity until you drop some items on your own, or equip your backpack again.


I’ve experienced CTDs when using this mod along with I'm a Customer Dammit, when picking up food/drinks, and just when that mod has its “Eating Method” set to “Menu” … something about that menu popping up conflicts and causes the crash. As a workaround, just change that setting in the MCM. Nowadays there's different sollutions to directly eat, read or use, activate or pick up objects from the world. I don't use these though, so any report of incompatibility would be appreciated.

Drug and Alcohol High state visual effects:


Dynamically fades between image-space modifiers depending on how much drugs you've consumed. With four levels of intoxication for mushrooms, alcohol, and skooma, as well as an additional two levels for Sleeping Tree sap, there's nearly 375 possible effect combinations so you can tailor your high exactly how you like it. 

I tried to make the initial stages fairly mild, and ramp up as you consume more. The effects will fade over time, but the more you consume, the longer the effects will last. Brandy hits harder than wine, wine hits harder than ale. Be careful with that Balmora Blue! Experiment with mushrooms and see how you feel.

The goal was not to affect gameplay, but to add visuals for something that sorely needs it. There's no crazy animations, most effects are static, but they are noticeable for sure.


  • Highly configurable MCM allows you to turn off effects you don't want and change the thresholds of each intoxication level, as well as how long the effects last.


  • Compatible with anything, no vanilla records are touched
  • Mods that add the same effects are not necessarily incompatible, but you will likely feel the effects of both mods simultaneously. You can individually turn off the effects of alcohol, skooma, mushrooms and Sleeping Tree sap in the MCM.
  • Mods that add new ingestibles will not contribute to the effects

Potion Addiction and Toxicity:


(from Bralormarr's page)

- Overdose impairment in the form of hallucinations and random tripping; you might fall prone on the ground if toxicity is greater than 100%.
- An auto-hiding sleek UI Toxicity widget.
- Drinking potions increases Alchemy skill slowly based on potion strength.
- Many of the features such as the toxicity widget, messages, effects and timescale are configurable in the MCM.
- Compatible with everything out of the box due to the nature of its scripting and only edits the improperly keyworded Cure Poison effect.

(from sinzzzz' original page)

Each time you take a potion with the keyword "VendorItemPotion" (excluding poisons, food and drink), its effect is gradually reduced.
For every bottle taken, the magnitude and duration are reduced by 10%.
Eventually, the potion loses 100% of its effect.

Recovery requires the ingestion of food and drink.
Every time you eat something when you are not in combat, your addiction improves by 10%.
In the case of a 50% intoxication level, this means that 5 food or drink items must be consumed for full recovery.
There is no distinction between drinks, food, and raw food.

Spell mastery and books:


Spell tomes:

(from Narue's original page)

Spell mastery takes time.
One must always have a spell tome on hand to cast its spell until mastery is achieved.
What this means is that upon reading a tome you will learn the spell as usual.
However, to equip the spell you must have the same spell tome in your inventory until the spell has been mastered.
Each time you cast the spell, your mastery of it increases.
The speed at which mastery increases is configurable in the provided MCM.
By default, the spell must be cast 100 times before mastery is achieved when below or equal to the skill level of the spell.
When above the skill level of the spell, a configurable skill bonus is applied.

Normally when reading a spell tome for the first time, it is consumed and removed from your inventory. By default this no longer happens with Grimoire, but that behavior can be restored from the MCM. Additionally, you can check the mastery status of any equipped spell in the MCM.

A spell tome can be read multiple times to study it for mastery benefits. When studying a tome, an optional relevant animation will play and optionally a configurable number of hours will pass.

If you have cast or studied a spell, there is a chance to have a flash of insight after sleeping. The base chance (3%) is configurable, with an additional 1% added for every 10 times you have cast or studied the spell between sleep sessions.


All spells with a corresponding tome are compatible out of the box.
Spells without a tome are not affected by this mod.

Known Issues

  • When the mod first initializes, Flames and Healing tomes are added to your inventory. Due to a race condition when OnInit runs twice, you may get multiple copies of these tomes.
  • When installing the mod mid-game, any spells already known are not affected until their corresponding tomes are read again. This is more of a compatibility feature than an issue, but it could cause confusion.

Skill books:

(from Parapets' original page)

Skill books are reworked so that instead of granting levels instantly, they give you a permanent boost to your leveling speed in the respective skill. This means that you benefit more by reading them as soon as you find them.

NB: This feature will only detect books read from your inventory or placed in the world, not from containers! Make sure to take them out of containers first.

The leveling bonuses granted by the books depend on how many books you read in the corresponding skill as well as whether or not you have the Scholar's Insight ability from Black Book: The Winds of Change. The Scholar's Insight buff applies as long as you have the ability, and you can add and remove it any time. The bonuses are shown in the table below. The vanilla game contains 5 books for each skill, but other mods such as Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library can increase this number. (TheManaVault: this feature is untested with mods that add skill books, as this would require additional patching. Still, I feel it fits the overall balance of Nirnfeel very well).

Books read        |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7+
Normal bonus      |  4% |  8% | 12% | 16% | 20% | 22% | 24%
Scholar's Insight |  8% | 16% | 24% | 32% | 40% | 44% | 48%

The bonuses for the first 5 books are slightly higher than the best case scenario of what you would normally gain by saving all your books until the end.
Compatibility notes

  • Elegy - Incompatible. Contains functionality from Non-Auto Skill Books.
  • moreHUD / moreHUD Inventory Edition - Partially compatible. Skill books won't be able to display their corresponding skills.
  • Non-Auto Skill Books - Incompatible. Pick up book script interferes with RIG's scripts.
  • Sometimes Pick Up Books - Partially compatible. Picking up a book will be treated like reading it.
  • Unread Books Glow - Compatible.

Common Books:

(from Ross Adam Baker's original page)

When you read a book that you haven't read before, you receive a variable amount of experience toward a semi-randomly chosen skill. I’ve attempted to make the amount of experience gained noticeable at lower levels, but not overpowered.

This mod does not touch skill books (already integrated feature in Nirnfeel, read above) or notes/letters/journals (there's nothing to learn in those.)

I like the idea of random skills versus the more common speech-only mods, because two people might read the same book and take away totally different lessons. It also makes books more useful to all classes – even a barbarian might learn something about how to swing an axe - you never know!

That being said, I made some skills more likely to be randomly chosen than others, since you can only learn so much about swinging an axe from a book!

A special book:

(from gghumus' original page)

A sketchbook featuring some beautiful locations across Skyrim is added to the game. Try to fill in the sketchbook to get The Lay of the Land, a unique ability that grants a slight movement speed boost.

To retrieve the sketchbook, travel to the Guardian Stones where you can find it leaning against the mage stone. You can get a glimpse of the sketch locations in the faded drawings of an old adventurer. To make a sketch, simply open the sketchbook in an area of interest. The standing stones and hold capitals are good places to start. 

Adventurer's Sketchbook
 includes "sketches" from 66 hand picked locations. Finding 30 locations will give you the first stage of The Lay of the Land, which gives you a slight bonus to your movement speed; successive stages can be unlocked at 50, 60, and 66 completed sketches.



(from JonX0r's original page)

NPCs Out and About: You'll see mercenaries out in the world doing their job, adventurers traveling into dungeons, guards clearing bandit camps, and more. New visitors may sometimes show up at settlements, towns and cities from time to time. NPCs may also deviate from their regular routine to visit different locations on their own.

Faction Raids: Factions can raid specific locations. You may occasionally see bandits raids on settlements, towns and cities, civil war raids on forts held by the enemy, and more. Raids can be configured in the MCM.

Immersive Danger: Sleeping and waiting in or fast traveling to a dangerous location such as a bandit camp or vampire lair may also lead to an encounter with denizens that call those places home.

An MCM is included that allows you to toggle all features added by this section.

Animated Carriages, Boats, Striding Silt Striders and Basic Wenches:


I added Vicn's excellent Animated vehicles series to give more immersion and "life" to several locations in Skyrim.
You can press Activate when near a carriage or boat to be placed on them for a small, scenic ride.
Silt Striders don't have this feature.
I have removed three boats from Solitude Docks for compatibility with my mod Bikiniborn EX, which adds a boat house and long boat at that location.
Other than that, they should be working as originally.

I have also added incredible modder NerdofPrey's recent immersion mod, Basic Wenches.
20 wenches are added to the taverns of Skyrim and Solstheim, they sell food, beverages, water (seamless integration with Needs section) and rent rooms, besides looking really pretty.
They will make use of your installed body for females, skin and wench outfits.

Compatibility notes:


Cold Survival is compatible (no patching needed) with:
- Wet and Cold
- Campfire
- Campsite
- Camping Lite
- Real Shelter
- Camping Kit of the Northern Wanderer
- Northborn's Fur Hoods
- Cloaks of Skyrim
- Winter is Coming Cloaks
Backpacks from Frostfall, Campfire, Wet and Cold and Bandoliers all add inventory space without the need for config or patching. Other backpacks and knapsack mods can be configured through RAB Inventory Limits MCM.
Vampires and Werewolves have options for them.

Needs section of the mod (Realistic Needs and Diseases) is directly compatible with (LE links but consider SE correspondants):
 Realistic Water Two
 SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
 Better Vampires
 Sands of Time
 Harvest Overhaul
 Nature of the beast II
 Fishing in Skyrim
Vampires and Werewolves have options for them in the Needs section as well.

Planned patches:
- Hunterborn (priority) - it seems to be properly compatible with most if not all features out of the box
- Skyrim AE Conforming: Reported by a user, AE apparently spoils every mod that messes with food and cold survival. As a workaround right now, Survival Control Panel mod is a requirement if you're using AE. Or alternatively, you can downgrade your game to version 1.1597 and keep it in a folder that Steam doesn't recognize, so you won't get nasty surprise compulsory updates like I have :/ . I intend to address this issue thoroughly as soon as I possibly can.
- I will eventually address Creation Club additions for a potential patch for food items, but don't expect it to be too soon.

Differences in concept between Nirnfeel and Nirnroot


- Nirnroot is aimed toward utter simplicity in integrating needs, disease changes and cold survival, for those who either want something very simple and unintrusive, or for those who want to integrate other types of mods without needing to apply patches for them.
If this is you, here's a link: Nirnroot Cold Survival Needs and Diseases Overhaul Collection ESPFE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (
- Nirnfeel's concept on the other hand is to bring you a detailed cold survival system, along with a more complex needs and substance use system, camping gear, and a complete overhaul to the results of interacting with books and tomes, besides a few vanilla plus immersion elements, such as random encounters, serving wenches and vehicles which travel independently of user's actions. Nirnfeel's aim is to make more dramatic and visible changes to your game. It will be compatible with less mods around, but the point is not compatibility, but serving as a proper overhaul of the game experience.

Mana Vault Mundus - Recommended Mods


This is meant to accompany my other overhaul mods (you can use it with other mods of course):

Bikiniborn EX (patch available here, as well as a patch for the new Bikiniborn EX addon) - TAWOBA overhaul, underwater hunting/combat, steerable boats, new and immersive creatures and animals and new variants, overhaul to existing creatures and animals, new weapons, spells, shields, backpacks, armor, an independent and craftable camping system, new animation suite for female characters and more
Gleanerborn (patch available here) - new crafting recipes, new cooking recipes, weaponize clutter, craft magic wands, shield staves, all enchantable, discover aerial transport, obtain spells that were inaccessible to the player before, new food items, cook most vanilla food and drinks, temper certain armors to their next iteration (example: hide to leather), upgrade potions to their next potency and more
WeReLight - dynamic weathers that respect sneak values for lighting, more defined and pronounced shadows, interior lighting overhaul to taverns and other vanilla spaces, darker caves and dungeons, tweaked torch and lighting spells values
DynaMo - unarmed combat, unarmed block, dual wielding blocking, combo system with new animations, dodge animation
Worlds Dawn (LE Port) - RPG (Diablo-like) system of tempered and enchanted gear randomly spawned in NPC and containers
Kyne's Blight - New followers, new enemies, a mount, new weapons, new shields, new summon spells, a note-based quest

With these mods and their requirements alone, you are able to completely change your game experience. You won't need to scour the Nexus for thousands of mods to make up your modded build. Placing these, you can just focus on new lands, new quests, custom followers, enemies, custom outfits and weapons if you like. Of course you still need all of their requirements, such as fixes, body shapes and general textures, but the point is keeping things simple and easy to start playing a deeper Skyrim.

Recommended mods (for a harsher and/or richer experience):
Bandoliers (more inventory Room) Due to written perms by Dragten, we were able to include this in the latest version of Nirnfeel!
Wounds/Combat Consequences (hardcore addon) and/or Heavy Wounds (more hardcore to add)
Quick Inventory (access your followers and mounts' inventory with a hot Key, useful for being able to actually delve into Nordic Ruins)
Although having many followers around will ultimately spoil a bit of the survival aspect of my mod, let's face it, Nether's Follower Framework is probably the best follower management mod there is. It's a mainstay in ALL my playthroughs, and allows you to convince that special wench to leave her job and go adventuring with you ;)

If you enjoy this mod and/or my work in general, please take a moment to endorse.


I have a new DISCORD Server! Join for support on mods and collections, to chat, to share mods, screenshots and videos! 


Cover Credits:

This mod would not be possible without the priceless, ingenious and generous contributions of the mod community throughout the years. I would like to express my sincere thanks to these mod authors (some of them already retired from modding) for their work and generous permissions:

Ross_Adam_Baker RAB Inventory Limits -
and RAB Experience from Reading Books -*ymqv78*_ga*NTA0OTM3OTM4LjE2NzQ1ODA4MDE.*_ga_N0TELNQ37M*MTcxNDQxMTc0Ni4yMjMuMS4xNzE0NDEyMDE5LjAuMC4w
n1t0r Hypothermia (ported by me) -
granson Hypothermia Plus -
perseid9 Realistic Needs and Diseases (ported by me) -
mzin Super Simple Bathing -
Tate Taylor and VictorF Canis Hysteria -
parapets Reading is Good -
gghumus Vision Quest -
Adventurer's Sketchbook -
sinzzzzz Addiction to Potions -
BralorMarr Toxicity SE -
and Alternative Crafting System (ported by me) -*1k0a157*_ga*NTA0OTM3OTM4LjE2NzQ1ODA4MDE.*_ga_N0TELNQ37M*MTcxNDQxMTc0Ni4yMjMuMS4xNzE0NDEzMDY3LjAuMC4w
Narue Grimoire - Spell Mastery -
Jonx0r Extended Encounters -
NerdofPrey Basic Wenches -
Vicn Animated Carriage -
Vicn Animated Boats -*1aovzjh*_ga*NTA0OTM3OTM4LjE2NzQ1ODA4MDE.*_ga_N0TELNQ37M*MTcxNDQxMTc0Ni4yMjMuMS4xNzE0NDEzMzA4LjAuMC4w
Vicn Striding Silt Strider -*12j2rzk*_ga*NTA0OTM3OTM4LjE2NzQ1ODA4MDE.*_ga_N0TELNQ37M*MTcxNDQxMTc0Ni4yMjMuMS4xNzE0NDEzMzMxLjAuMC4w
Dragten (written permissions: If you would like to use assets from this mod in your own, feel free to do so. Just give a credit and a link to this page.) Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Classic at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (
jg1 Believable weapons at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (