About this mod

Even More Vanilla Rings provides all combinations of vanilla gems with silver and gold rings and also adds ebony as an additional ring material and three more gems (Moonstone, Onyx, and Topaz) using high resolution meshes and textures.

Permissions and credits
Even More Vanilla Rings

This mod basically is a combination of two old Skyrim Mods More Vanilla Rings and Gemling Queen Jewelry by Saerileth with textures by Gamwich. The mod provides all combinations of vanilla gems with silver and gold rings and also adds ebony as an additional ring material and three more gems (Moonstone, Onyx, and Topaz) using high resolution meshes and textures.
Ebony rings and Onyx & Topaz gems were already included in Gemling Queen Jewelry but not implemented. I did this now.
(Almost) all gem-ring combinations are added to the leveled lists and can be crafted. The gems can be purchased at jewelry merchants and can be mined (Moonstone and Onyx relatively seldom).
In reality there are many different types of topaz; I chose the gold-topaz to be added to the game to provide one more gem color (yellow). That's because I like to craft mage rings according to the color of their robes. So restoration rings now use the topaz gem, conjuration the amethyst gem, destruction the ruby gem, illusion the sapphire gem and alteration the emerald gem. All enchanted rings now scale in their material with their power. Lower leveled rings are silver rings, medium to high levels are gold rings. Master mage rings are always ebony rings. Most other master rings are gold rings. So ebony rings are comparably rare and expensive. This is also reflected in the leveled lists. The prices of the enchanted rings are edited to reflect the value of the base ring (V1.1). In previous versions it could happen, that an enchanted ring was worth less than the not enchanted version.
The low value moonstone gem can only be combined with silver. It makes no sense to combine it with more valuable materials. However, I kept the onyx combinations with gold and ebony because they look cool. :)
For most things I used the original files of Saerileth and Gamwich, however, I fixed some issues with the nif models and added new textures for some gems. I also removed the vertex colors from the nifs, so the ring material can now be changed by changing only the texture.
The prices of the rings are calculated according to the vanilla rules. I tweaked the vanilla prices a bit to get some profit from creating the rings (added in V1.01). More valueable rings now give slightly more profit (V1.01). Ebony rings are notably more valueable than the raw material (I don't want to touch the ebony ore and ingot prices); the topaz value is between amethyst and ruby.

Why all this?
Moonstone and Onyx circlets are included in the vanilla game, so why no rings with these gems...? Since these gems are of rather low value the combinations with silver and gold rings provide more ring and gem variety in early stages of the game.
The Topaz gem is added to have one more gem color which goes nicely with the mage school of restoration, as explained above.
The ebony material is a logical choice to provide a valuable high-end jewelry material. This way the mod doesn't offer too many combinations (as provided by other mods) but a good amount of logical and vanilla friendly rings (IMHO).

Some notes:
The rings look much better in nif optimizer than in game, however they are still a huge improvement over the original rings. I really struggeled with the diamond rings, but couldn't make them better looking in game. If someone can provide a better solution please do so. :)
For other wishes just contact me here.
Please be patient and kind, that's my first Skyrim mod. I "beta-tested" the mod only on two similar Skyrim installations, so hopefully there are no issues. If so, please report. I'll see what I can do.


Copy all files to the data folder, overwriting existing files.
Or better use a mod manager to do this.
Place the mod close to the end of the load order since it edits some leveled lists and merchants. If not, you will probably never encounter the new rings  and gems in the game.
Overwrite SMIM files if asked (the ring models are changed).
I strongly recommend to use the mod together with Gemling Queen Jewelry SE (loading it afterwards, overwriting the Gemling Queen files).


The mod should be compatible with most mods, except with mods that change the rings. There are slight incompatibilities with Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (fixed), Weapon Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes (fixed in V1.1), MorrowLoot Ultimate, Scarcity Less Loot Mod, and possibly others that edit the leveled lists or prices. I'll provide versions for these as separate downloads. Put Even More Vanilla Rings after these mods in the load order.
If you only want to use the vanilla rings just delete the esp file.

Weapon Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes fixes the prices of the vanilla enchanted rings (the enchanted rings you can buy from merchants). In the original game it could happen that an enchated ring was worth less than the not enchated version. In V1.1 I also adapted the prices for the enchanted rings by using the prices of the not enchated rings as a basis. This results in different but somewhat similar prices as in WACCF.
I was not aware of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered. That mod does similar things and uses the same ring models. If you like CCOR, Even More Vanilla Rings is not needed.
All craftable rings should now work with custom races (V1.2).

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Version added here: Even More Vanilla Rings for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma.

I could make a Left Hand version, but I need someone who can convert the nifs I used to left hand nif. See sticky post in comments.

You can also use SSEEdit to create your own patch for a conflicting mod. There is a nice tutorial video how to do that here: How to Make a Patch with TES5edit.


Thanks go to Bethesda for creating Skyrim and all modders who keep Skyrim alive, especially to Saerileth and Gamwich who created the original mod, to the guys who created NIF Skope, to ousnius for his excellent tool SSE NIF Optimizer and Brumbek for his Static Mesh Improvement Mod (the original detailed ring model is from there I think).

My Mods

Complete Belrand Overhaul
Skeevers Drop Skeever Hide
Fluffy Skeever Tail
Rabbits Drop Rabbit Fur
Harvest Ivy
Skyrim's got Balls
Simple Leather Tanning Fix
Glass Bottle Recycling SE
Glass Bottle Recycling SE for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma
Even More Vanilla Rings
Even More Vanilla Rings for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma