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Edmond Noir

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About this mod

Some call lycanthropes and Vampires cursed others call them blessed. If you are Werewolf or Vampire Lord in human form once a day instead of dying you will trigger the beast within, regenerate all lost health, and turn into a beast. Compatible with all Werewolf mods out there including Moonlight Tales and compatible with Vampire mods.

Permissions and credits
  • Portuguese
-An Alternate Death Werewolf and Vampire Mod-

With this mod installed if you are a werewolf or Vampire Lord you will be cursed/blessed. Once a day instead of dying you will automatically transform into a beast and regain full health during the transformation rendering you effectively invincible during the 10 second transformation. This of course on the surface of it sounds like a blessing given by Hircine or Molag Bal to his chosen, however if you were about to die in town for example, or by a farmer, or guard and turn into the beast you will then incur the bounty and hostilities fitting your situation. This may result in having to avoid any fight around towns or people to avoid killing innocents that would otherwise be your friend. Thus this blessing can serve as a double edge sword it is both a blessing and a curse that you must bear.

Note: If you have the cursed ring of Hircine you will also turn even if you are not a Werewolf. The ring is cursed and this is a curse you must fix or bear.

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Whats Included

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How This Mod Works


Once your health drops to 15% or below the transformation will trigger. at 100 health this is 15 health remaining. If you are blocking an attack and are near death you likely will hit these values nearly every time just before the final blow and trigger the transformation. The blessing will only work if you are a werewolf, or a Vampire Lord, OR if you have the cursed ring of Hircine. So feel free to play any character you want and if you decide to become a Werewolf or Vampire Lord, or neither and just happen to have the cursed ring on you this blessing will naturally start working.

There are two versions of the mod which can be installed via the FOMOD installer:
  • The first version allows enemies to continue to attack you while you transform - you will heal rapidly rendering all their attacks useless however. This version works on the idea that the enemies are terrified of what is happening to you and are trying to kill you quickly before you turn to no avail. This is my personal favorite.
  • The second version of this mod will prevent enemies from attacking you. They will continue to talk and taunt, and circle you but they will not attack you while you transform and heal. This version works on the idea that the enemies are confused and baffled by whats happening or frozen terrified. (Growl players cannot use this option)

Situations Were You Will Still Die:
-Basically any situation were you are 1 hit killed you will die and this situation will circumvent the blessing. Some examples include:
  • If you are killed by a finishing move this will deal a massive amount of damage and will skip the 15% check and you will die
  • If you are attacked by a powerful creature that can 1 hit kill you, you will die
  • If your health was at 20% and you are attacked by a power attack that does enough damage to 1 hit kill you, you will die
  • If you are attacked by 10 enemies at once you likely will die to quickly for the blessing to catch you
  • There are also 2 unique situations were you will die as well, if you are riding a horse or swimming, instead of transforming you will die. This is to prevent animation bugs that can occur if you were to transform while swimming or riding. Once you dismount or get on land if you meet the criteria for transformation then you will transform.

Situations Where You Will Not Die:
-if you haven't activated the blessing that day yet and are actively playing the game, dodging, blocking, running, etc you will always trigger this blessing just before you die. Just try to not get put into orbit by a giant club at level 1 and basically this blessing will always catch you like a safety net.

-Growl: Compatible - We work together fine but if you manually use your werewolf transformation then you will not transform again with my mod in the same day. You will however become enraged and the beast strength in you will still save and and heal you so you still wont die but you will see the prompt "You cannot transform more then once a day." I recommend Moonlight Tales over Growl because Growl fundamentally broke vanilla scripts for their mod to work which can prevent other werewolf mods from working.

-Moonlight Tales or any other Werewolf mod: Compatible -  You will always transform before dying and will be healed once a day no matter what. I recommend Moonlight Tales over Growl because Growl fundamentally broke vanilla scripts for their mod to work which prevents other werewolf mods from working.

-Shadow of Skyrim: Compatible - You might have noticed that the color green here is a little different there is a reason. The mod author of Shadow of Skyrim looked at my mod and said there was no reason why we shouldn't be able to work together the only issue is if you are 1 hit killed and in a down state my transformations will get blocked. That said he recommended I put in a 5 second delay. Now this may need more fine tuning but that's what I did. Meaning if you are at 15% health there will be a 5 second delay before you transform so you likely will always get into a downed state before transformation.  This is the workaround he recommend. I need player feedback to tweak this otherwise I have open permissions on this mod to build it out more for Shadow of Skryim.

-Sacrosanct: Compatible - Again slightly different green here. I dont use the mod but again no overlap in scripts but again he puts you in a downed state for a min. this likely can impact my mods ability to transform you and save you. If possible in the MCM disabled the second life or whatever it is that saves you if you are a vampire and let my mod handle it. Im not breaking my back on this take it or leave it. The potential solution like Shadow of Skryim might be to just put in a 5 second delay but ill need players to tell me how it plays for them.

-Mod Also works great with my mod "The Beast Within - Werewolf Companions" which allows the Companions to transform into werewolves if they are near death once every few days. (This is a shameless bump).

*Every other mod on nexus will be compatible otherwise - If you don't think this is correct or still have a concern you can check in xEdit quick

Required Files and Installation
-Only Skyrim is Required (Any Version)
-Install on a Existing Game or a New Game Doesn't matter

Known Issues
-None. I also tested the hell out of this mod. Best part is this mod has only 6 total edits that basically make the spell/perk work. Mods don't get smaller then this.

Special Thanks
I wanted to give special thanks to jayserpa who motivated me to update and release this mod. My original mod this mod is based off of was not used by anyone really but JaySerpa thought it was a awesome idea that just "needed a little push." It was really cool to interact with such a talented mod author who also really loved my mod idea. Thanks Jayserpa for everything. 

I also wanted to give special thanks to another very talented mod author Tommas666 who also motivated me to update the mod and talked out ideas with me. I really appreciate him in the community and his ideas/help.

