Tesla's Logo: Its Hidden Meaning and Evolution Over Time

By Karan Singh
The meaning of the Tesla logo
The meaning of the Tesla logo
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Tesla’s logo is iconic – it’s a T, with the text “T E S L A” below it. However, it hasn’t always looked the same, and it does have a deeper meaning than just T representing the first letter.

So, let’s look at Tesla’s logo.

Meaning of the Tesla Logo

We’ll start with what the Tesla logo represents. As Elon Musk put it, the T is like the cross-section of an electric motor, similar to how SpaceX’s logo is like the trajectory of a rocket.

The outer line on top of the T represents the stator of the electric motor – the stationary component that contains the windings and generates a rotating magnetic field when current is applied to it. The lower section of the logo is one of the poles of the rotor, the moving component that is also wound with wire, forming a magnetic pole.

All together, putting the rotor and stator together is how Tesla’s EVs generate their movement and the basics behind how Nikola Tesla put together the first induction motor. The first induction motor was created in 1887, and Tesla the company is named after Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the electric motor.

Tesla’s fairly minimalist logo also aligns with its minimalist approach to things. No part is the best part, and a minimalist interior is the best interior.

Evolution of the Tesla Logo

Tesla's logo has evolved since its 2009 version
Tesla's logo has evolved since its 2009 version
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Tesla’s logo hasn’t always been the same. The original logo, back when the company was known as Tesla Motors, had the Tesla “T” inside of a shield emblem, representing safety. The word “Tesla” was also part of the logo and displayed within the shield.

In 2017, Tesla Motors simplified its name to just Tesla. At the same time, they redesigned their logo. Like the company’s name, the logo was also simplified. The shield was removed and the word Tesla moved to the bottom of the T. In 2017, Tesla also transitioned to using red in its logo, instead of the previous gray/black color combination.

The current Tesla logo we see today is a revision of the logo unveiled in 2017. The curve at the top of the logo is now more pronounced, the indent on the T is larger and the “T” is a little slimmer.

Tesla's old shield logo and font
Tesla's old shield logo and font
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Other Great Logos

Although Tesla doesn’t receive a lot of recognition for its creative logo, it’s a simple, creative logo with a deeper meaning that sits right up there with other great logos like those from the Pittsburgh Zoo, Black Cat and Sony VAIO (photo below) and others.

Today, Tesla’s simplistic logo also matches its philosophy of minimalism and simplistic approaches to solving difficult problems, such as solving full self-driving with a vision-only approach.

The creative logos from Pittsburgh Zoo, Sony VAIO and Black Cat.
The creative logos from Pittsburgh Zoo, Sony VAIO and Black Cat.
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Tesla Adds New Ambient Lighting Options in Update 2024.26.1

By Karan Singh
Not a Tesla App

Tesla recently added ambient accent lighting to several of its vehicles, including the 2024 Model 3 Highland Refresh and the Cybertruck. Additionally, the Model Y in China also received ambient lighting, but this hasn’t come to other regions yet.

The Model S and Model X are also supposed to eventually receive this ambient lighting feature, alongside a rumoured front camera.

New Options for Ambient Lighting

As part of update 2024.26.1, Tesla is adding on to the already great ambient lighting feature. In update 2024.14 Tesla added the ability for the ambient lights to turn red when you enter Service Mode, which is a nice touch.

Now, they’re taking it a step further with update 2024.26.1. You’ll now be able to control the brightness of the ambient lights in the Cybertruck and the 2024 Model 3. Previously, you could adjust the color to whatever you liked, but not how bright they were. The brightness of the lights was directly linked to the brightness of the vehicle display.

Tesla has also added a new “Night Only” option, which turns on the accent lights when conditions outside get dim. This is a nice addition, as while the strips are visible during daytime, in direct-light they’re not very noticeable. While LEDs do last for a considerable amount of time, this could help reduce the wear on the accent lights and let them last longer.

If you want to adjust the brightness or enable the new Night Only mode, you can navigate to Controls, and then look under Lights > Accent Lights. Since this is now uncoupled from the vehicle display brightness, you won’t have to worry about having your display too bright at night.

We’re not quite sure yet whether this applies to the Chinese Model Y with accent lighting, but it should.

We’re happy to see Tesla updating the accent light controls with the ability to adjust the brightness. Next up, we’re hoping to see Tesla change the color of the lights for certain features, such as when there’s a vehicle in your blind spot and perhaps even fun things such as syncing to the music being played.

First Look at Tesla's Weather Forecast and AQI Features in Update 2024.26.1

By Karan Singh

Tesla added some long-awaited features in update 2024.26.1, which we’ve dubbed the Summer Update, due to the huge amount of new features that have been added.

The update has rolled out to just a small fraction of the fleet, but it’ll continue to roll out to more features in the coming weeks.

Two of the new features in this update have been hotly requested – a Weather Forecast and an Air Quality Index (AQI) indicator. So, let’s take a look at what’s been added.

Weather Forecast

Tesla has added a two-part weather UI to all vehicles in the 2024.26.1 update. The first portion is a forecast preview, located at the top of the screen, next to the current time and current outdoor temperature. There will be an icon that displays the current weather – overcast, cloudy, rainy, sunny, snowing – there should be plenty of preset weather types to see.

The second part is what happens when you tap on that icon or the current temperature. This will display a pop-out menu showing the forecast for the day, including current temperature and conditions, as well as a scrollable hour-by-hour forecast. It’ll also include the chance of rain, humidity, wind (and direction), UV Index, and Air Quality Index information.

The weather forecast and AQI in the status bar
The weather forecast and AQI in the status bar

Air Quality Index

The Air Quality Index originally came to China a couple of years ago. In China, this information is displayed constantly on the vehicle UI. However, in North America and Europe, the AQI information in the UI is only shown if the AQI is considered “poor” or lower. If it’s below the threshold, it’ll be displayed next to the current temperature in the status bar.

If it’s not being shown, and you want to know what it is – the expanded weather prompt (by touching the weather forecast or temperature icons) – will show the current AQI at the bottom.

The Air Quality Index ranges from 0-500, with a lower number meaning cleaner air. We’re not quite sure how Tesla has categorized them, but the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), defines the AQIs as below:

AQI Value

EPA Condition

Tesla Condition

0 to 50



51 to 100



101 to 150

Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups


151 to 200



201 to 300

Very Unhealthy


300 to 500



We haven’t seen the Tesla names for ‘Very Unhealthy’ and ‘Hazardous’, but we’d expect them to be similar.

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