Immerzo is aiming at making meta-marketing a thing through the power of XR

Immerzo is aiming at making meta-marketing a thing through the power of XR
Okay, the Quest 3 is finally here and we’re very hyped about the Vision Pro, but if we put some of the best VR headsets aside, where is this entire XR thing going? Is it just about tech now and is that the benchmark by which we can judge whether the industry is growing?

No. I say that marketing is.

I mean, feel free to tell me that I’m wrong, but if we’ve reached a point where I have something to gain by advertising a real-life product in a virtual space, then the future is pretty much here. And no, I don’t just mean Zuck’s Metaverse and how it was a meme to buy real-estate space in there for awhile.

And I totally understand how the very concept itself can sound so Cyberpunk to you that it even starts to feel a bit creepy. But trust me: there’s nothing creepy about Immerzo’s journey into making meta-marketing a thing. And it all starts with the company’s latest video campaign:

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So, what is Immerzo? It’s a UK-based marketing platform, which is attempting to offer so many solutions to cutting-edge problems, that sometimes it’s difficult to explain how it all works. But you know me and I always give it my all, so here goes:

Want to see your company’s t-shirts sold as items in Fortnite? Because if yes, then these are the guys you’d like to get in touch with in order to make that happen.

No joke: Immerzo has taken all of these super-modern marketing concepts and has made them its business. In fact, that's so much the case, that it’s almost your business as well, because the goal here is to offer an all-in-one solution.

But how would that even work? Well, so long as you’re in the market for:

  • Making your own metaverse
  • Buying ad space in existing games or metaverses
  • Creating in-game versions of your real-life products
  • Outright ordering a full-fledged AR/VR experience for your specific brand

Immerzo says it can do the following for you:

  • Get you in touch with the right people
  • Make sure that your vision comes to life
  • Offer a platform that attempts to make everything from management to finance easy to understand and follow-through with

Yeah, all of this is a tall order. But I feel like it also very aptly describes the plausible future needs of brands seeking to sustain their relevancy. Here's how the brand frames it in its own words:

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So, this means that if you’re a business owner interested in taking advantage of meta-marketing, you no longer need to have massive technical know-how or a huge contacts list, because Immerzo’s goal is to provide both for you.

But what if you’re not planning on finding yourself on either side of this business venture? Well, this still means something, because typically marketing thrives where the money hides. And that means that if Immerzo finds success, it can also impact the entire XR industry positively, which bodes well for all VR enthusiasts.

So if you’re a brand, a creator or just some bloke interested in cool things, you can join Immerzo’s mailing list here to learn more about what the company has next in store.
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