11 weird and unusual Nokia phone designs

11 weird and unusual Nokia phone designs
The days when Nokia ruled the smartphone and mobile phone markets are long gone - we all know that. The Finnish company sold off its Devices and Services unit to Microsoft this year, so it’s no longer a phone maker. Still, we mustn’t forget all the great phones that Nokia released throughout the years. Right now, though, we’ll present you some of the company’s weirdest phone designs (which may, or may not have been great).

Just like Samsung, it seems that Nokia released its weirdest handsets in the mid 2000s. In fact, those were the years when most manufacturers made unusual phones. That’s because there were a lot of buttons that needed to be included on the front (or sides) of devices. Plus, there was no standard form factor for handsets. Flip phones, candybars, sliders, swiveling phones - everything was a go, and manufacturers often combined design elements from these form factors.

Obviously, many of our readers are already familiar with quite a few of the Nokia devices that we’ll present below. But newer generations of smartphone users may have not had the chance to see them. So, enjoy - and let us know if you have any favorites, or if any of these designs seem too ugly to you.

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