Andy Rubin steps down, Sundar Pichai steps up as head of Android

Andy Rubin steps down, Sundar Pichai steps up as head of Android
In a surprise move today, Google CEO Larry Page has announced that Andy Rubin is stepping down as the head of the Android team, and Sundar Pichai will be taking over as the head of Android, in addition to keeping his current roles as the head of the Chrome and Google Apps teams. 

Andy Rubin was a co-founder of Android and joined Google when Android was purchased by the Mountain View tech giant. Rubin has been the head of the Android team since then, and Page gives Rubin credit for bringing Android to where it is today: "global partnership of over 60 manufacturers; more than 750 million devices have been activated globally; and 25 billion apps have now been downloaded from Google Play". Not a bad run for Rubin. 

It's unclear what Rubin's role will be going forward, but it sounds like he is staying at Google, and Page even called for "more moonshots please!" This could be a hint that Rubin is shifting to a new role in Google's X Lab, but nothing is official just yet. 

Sundar Pichai joined Google around the same time as Rubin, and has been given credit for much of the work done with Google Chrome, Google Apps, Chrome OS, and Google Drive. 

source: Google Blog
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