BlackBerry Atlas is star of video

BlackBerry Atlas is star of video
When we last reported on the BlackBerry Atlas, we said more news would break soon. Now, we've got some video of the device. The BlackBerry Atlas appears to be a Bold variant for the Asian market. This is some of what we have learned after another gem of a video by Salomondrin. The latter is the person who has been responsible for all of those great Storm 2 videos and his connection to RIM is put in good stead again. Some of what we learn from the video is that the back of the device is imprinted with the "Bold" name, the keyboard is similar to the one on the 8900 Curve, and the OS build is running on Edge and Wi-Fi. Had Salmondrin been one of the Watergate burglars, Nixon might have lasted two full terms.

source: Salomondrin

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