Deutsche Telekom in the works of taking over Sprint?

Deutsche Telekom in the works of taking over Sprint?
T-Mobile USA might have a small portion of the American pie when it comes to total wireless customers – consistently trailing the other big three contenders every year. We've seen companies merge to form an alliance in order to sustain longevity, or even their very well being, in this increasingly vast competitive wireless market. We saw Big Red become the top dog with their acquisition of Alltel while Sprint gobbled up Nextel a few years ago with some headaches along the way.

Over in Europe, recent news made headlines with T-Mobile UK and Orange forming an agreement to form a subscriber base with monstrous proportions. Now T-Mobile USA, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, may soon become a giant force here in the US with a possible multi-billion dollar bid for Sprint. The UK's Telegraph is reporting that the telecoms behemoth is allegedly preparing to submit a $10.6 billion offer for the current value of Sprint within the next three weeks. Deutsche Telekom has been putting in roughly one billion dollars a year to maintain, grow, and improve T-Mobile's network in the US. There might be some problems if the deal falls through – Sprint's network runs off CDMA while GSM for T-Mobile USA. That might not be a factor when you consider the fourth generation network status comes into play in the future. We'll have to sit back until parties from either companies make any official word on the matter. The wireless landscape in the US may change very soon if this goes through – we'll just have to wait and see.

source: Telegraph via Engadgetmobile
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