Google Duplex stars in new official video as Anna gets a reservation for two

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While Google tests its AI based booking service Duplex for Google Assistant this summer, the company doesn't want you to forget about the upcoming feature for even one second. So the search giant released a video showing how Duplex will work; unlike the demo played at Google I/O in May, this time we get to see a complete call. That includes the disclaimer that will be used to alert the restaurant employee taking reservations that Duplex is not a human. The disclaimer also mentions that the call is being recorded.

The video shows that starting a Duplex call is as simple as saying, "Hey Google, book a table for two at 'Los Pollos Hermanos this Tuesday at 7pm." Duplex will ask if it can book the reservation between 7 and 8pm if the original time is not available, and promises an update within 15 minutes. Once the reservation is made, a notification is sent with the news.

Apparently, there is a little tweaking that needs to go on before Duplex is unleashed on the world. Calls that get too complicated for the system are connected to a human operator at a Google call center. According to Nick Fox, the VP of product for Google Assistant, currently 80% of calls initiated by Duplex do not require a Google operator to intervene. Apparently, Google wants a higher percentage of such calls before Duplex is launched.

source: Google
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