How old is your current phone? - January 2018 edition

How old is your current phone? - January 2018 edition
We love tech — that's why we are on this website, right? And we love reading about, trying out, and even owning all of the latest tech. We are pretty sure you do, too. But there is a world beyond our expensive hobbies and it often does not allow us to have the latest and greatest in toys. So, we hold our childish enthusiasm at bay and compromise.

For how long? Some people adhere to the 2-year cycle, which is usually a happy middle-of-the-road deal — you pay the handset in 24 equal payments, which doesn't hurt too much, and you get to exchange it when it is sort of old-ish (things get old fast in the smartphone world). Others will often find it hard to last even 6 months with their top-tier device and start looking for that new buzz. There are also those that are perfectly fine with investing a lot of money in a phone once and then use it for as long as it powers on.

We thought we'd ask — how old is your current device?

How old is your current (main) phone?

0 - 6 months old
6 - 12 months old
12 - 24 months old
24 - 36 months old
As ancient as Luke's lightsaber and good character development
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