INQ´s “Twitter-phone” in the pipeline

INQ´s “Twitter-phone” in the pipeline
We figure you´ve heard of the notorious „Facebook-phone” by INQ, the INQ 1 that is currently being sold through the leading  UK carrier "3". Actually the device is being promoted as a cell phone made for social networks coming with more than reasonable price tag, but  the name Facebook gadget seems to have gained an upper hand among users. The INQ 1 has been largely successful with customers on "3" and its  creators even got the „Best mobile device award” at MWC 2009.

Now te manufacturer is planning to attack the market with another inexpensive device that provides access to the famous Twitter micro-blogging service. Erm, did anyone say a Twitter-cell phone? Information on the device has recently been disclosed to Reuters by non other but the INQ´s CEO himself, Frank Meehan, so it seems the device is truly on its way. It´s a shame Mr. Meehan missed the opportunity to announce a release date, share thoughts on pricing or provide insight as to whether or not the device would be offered in other countries. 

source: Reuters

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