LG & Capcom’s Android-based Street Fighter tournament set to kick off

LG & Capcom’s Android-based Street Fighter tournament set to kick off
LG worked with Capcom to bring Street Fighter IV HD exclusively to LG’s top tier Android handsets, and announced earlier in the month that they would be hosting a major international tournament for mobile martial arts experts.

The time has arrived, and the U.S. qualifier is set to take place in Los Angeles this Saturday, January 14th from 11am-6pm. Players with the mad skillz to compete in such a tournament are advised to rest their thumbs in anticipation of the action, and show up by 8am to start your registration. Winners get an LG Nitro HD (the only U.S. handset that’s rocking Street Fighter at the moment) and a trip to Korea to compete against other winners from around the world.  At the Korean finals competitors will be chasing cash prizes of up to $10,000 for first place.

Even if you aren’t a crack mobile street fighting machine, LG and Capcom invite you to the L.A.  festivities. There will be complimentary food and beverage services, live video of the games in progress, and game-related giveaways.

Anyone in the L.A. area planning to attend? Let us know in the comments section!

source: Capcom via Verical Wire
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