Outlook for Android and iOS gains new feature that help users get things done quicker

Outlook for Android and iOS gains new feature that help users get things done quicker
Microsoft is bringing support for a new feature to Outlook for mobile – Actionable Messages. The new feature will be available once the latest update goes live in the App Store and Google Play Store, and it's meant to allow Outlook users to act fast while on the move.

For example, whenever you receive an email that has an option to take action (i.e. approving a timesheet, granting system access, answering a survey), you will now be able to respond right inside the email without leaving your inbox or switch apps.

Moreover, Actionable Message with Adaptive Cards will allow developers to deliver messages in Outlook so that users can stay in context and act fast when they need to. The first brands to work with Microsoft on Actionable Messages are SurveyMonkey, Freshworks, ServiceNow and Sage.

However, Microsoft is expected to partner with additional brands in the coming months. It's also worth mentioning that Microsoft will be rolling out Actionable Messages to Android devices in the coming week, while iOS users will be able to take advantage of the new feature starting today.
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