Pokemon Go players have caught a total of 88 billion monsters since launch, new Ingress game is in the works


Pokemon Go creator and CEO of Niantic Labs, John Hanke, revealed at MWC that players of the hit AR mobile game have caught a total of 88 billion monsters since launch. In order to achieve this goal, players have used a mind-boggling 44 petabytes of mobile data (1 petabyte = 1000 terabytes), and have walked a total of 5.4 billion miles while chasing Pokemon.

Other interesting numbers that Hanke shared at MWC include a total of 650 million downloads for Pokemon Go across all platforms, and over 35,000 retail locations worldwide that have become sponsored locations for the game, receiving a total of 500 million visits by players.

Hanke also used the opportunity to tease fans with what’s in store for Pokemon Go in 2017. The AR game just recently received its “Generation 2” update, which added 80 classic monsters to its roster and managed to lure many players back into the game, but Niantic plans to expand Go even more, with three updates slated to hit the game over the course of 2017. No further details were given about the upcoming enhancements, but Pokemon Go players are holding their breath for trading and PvP battles to finally make their way into the game.

Another interesting piece of news that may please fans of Niantic’s previous game, is that developer is working on a new version of its original AR project Ingress – Pokemon Go’s somewhat less successful predecessor.

"We’ll be launching a new version of our original game, Ingress, later this year and we have some other projects that unfortunately I can't talk about today,"
Hanke said at the event, reassuring fans that more will be known in the coming months.

Ingress has been downloaded a total of 200 million times, while its devoted fanbase has walked a total of 214 million miles while capturing portals.

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