Galaxy S11 may be kitted with a spectrometer, to the chagrin of weed dealers


Samsung has filed a rather detailed patent for a phone that will have a small spectrometer on it, and we are going gaga over the possibility that this may end up as a part of the rumored "unseen" Galaxy S11 camera kit. We mean, forget liquid lenses, measuring our subcutaneous fat or skin moisture is where it's at, ain't we right?

In fact, the USPTO patent, dug out by LetsGoDigital, describes exactly such an application for the phone-dwelling spectrometer, and adds a few other prospective scenarios, like breaking down the protein and carb content of the culinary object, or measuring the sugar ratio of fruit.

According to Consumer Physics, the makers of the mini-spectrometer SCiO whose technology has already been tried in a phone, additional uses include analyzing drug content for counterfeits, as well as different body metrics when the phone works as a fitness sensor:

Samsung itself mentions in the patent that spectrometers have been miniaturized in recent years to the extent that they can now be kitted onto smartphones. Moreover, it lists various ways to use already existing light-emitting and receiving sensors on our phones to make the spectrometer a more feasible endeavor, rather than outfitting the handset with a full dedicated array.

In fact, there is already a phone with a SCiO spectrometer on board that we took for a spin way back at CES 2017, as you can see below, and the miniaturization technology has moved on since then, so Samsung could very well outfit one of its future phones with the option. A shopping spree in Whole Foods with said tiny spectrometer, confirmed the following abilities - again, way back in 2017:

If Samsung's tiny spectrometer will end up in the Galaxy S11 and its out of this world camera, or something in the experimental A-series, remains to be seen. The best comment on the phone with a spectrometer at the time? "My oregano-buying days are over."

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