Say bye bye to caller ID and VoIP spoofing apps

Say bye bye to caller ID and VoIP spoofing apps
All those chuckles and laughs that result from a prank joke being played on an unwilling individual with the aid of some kind of spoofing app will soon come to an abrupt end. For the people who rely on using these popular apps, you'd better start using them as much as you can now before they will forever be silenced after the House has passed the Truth in Caller ID Act of 2010. Basically it means that the fun of playing a joke will be over as the bill makes it illegal “to cause any caller ID service to transmit misleading or inaccurate caller ID information, with the intent to defraud and deceive.” Although it prevents someone from modifying their phone number from being displayed on Caller ID, the bill does allow for one exemption with the ability for someone to blocked their number on an outgoing phone call – plus law enforcement won't be affected by it too. This new law even applies to VoIP services out there that accomplish the same thing, so it literally will be lights out for good. Now that it's been passed in the House and Senate, it'll only be a matter of time before it is signed into law.

via iSmashPhone
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