The BlackBerry Storm 2 got itself a user manual, rumors floating about the Essex

The BlackBerry Storm 2 got itself a user manual, rumors floating about the Essex
It seems that interesting information always finds its way out of RIM offices. The latest update comes from a user manual that can be found in the leaked OS version for the Storm. It´s written for the Storm 2, a model that hasn´t been officially announced yet, but is expected to hit the shelves in Europe this October. The document doesn´t reveal anything ground-breaking, but confirms the rumor that the new Storm 2 will feature Wi-Fi that along with the improved handling are expected to make the device more appealing to an increased number of people. The manual itself can be found via the first source link. Is this a sign that the official announcement is coming soon we wonder?

Another rumor speaks of a brand new BlackBerry, codenamed Essex. Information is still sketchy at best, but the word goes the device will be an improved version of the Tour 9630 that has been recently released in the US. All we´ve managed to find out this far is the handset will feature Wi-Fi and trackpad instead of a trackball. We have already heard of a similar model, called the Atlas, so it´s possible we are talking about the same device. We hope more information about this promising cell phone, inclusive of pictures, appears soon.

source: CrackBerry and BlackBerry Sync

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