WebOS owners get a Gameboy emulator

WebOS owners get a Gameboy emulator
Gaming on the webOS platform is continually growing from what we’ve witnessed so far, but a recently developed Nintendo Gameboy emulator just adds to the platform’s aggressive stance. VisualBoyAdvance is an open source Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance emulator started back on January 14 for the webOS platform. With the collaboration between DtzWill and the folks at WebOS-Internals, they’ve successfully ported and enhanced the emulator for webOS – although there are still some speed issues with Gameboy Advance games. If you can live with that, then you can go ahead and kill some time playing Gameboy and Gameboy Color games during your free time. It’s recommended to enable auto-save so that the game will continue where you left off when an unexpected crash occurs.  We know that gamers out there will like how the QWERTY keyboard can be used to play the games – so it’s not restricted to just on-screen controls.  So if you have yourself any of the latest webOS powered handsets, preferably the “plus” models, you can fire up this emulator and start reliving those games from long ago.

via PreCentral

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