Apple's latest iPhone ads tackle privacy, encryption, and recycling in simple but effective ways

Apple's latest iPhone ads tackle privacy, encryption, and recycling in simple but effective ways
Apple has uploaded not one and not two, but three new iPhone ads to the company's official YouTube channel for Australia (for some reason) in the past 24 hours, highlighting topics that have been the center of attention of various previous publicity stunts and marketing materials.

This time around, the Cupertino-based tech giant is keeping things short and simple, using clear messages and absolutely no bells and whistles to explain why iPhones are the best. No specific model is mentioned, no actors are employed, no catchy music or elaborated effects, no nothing. Just some text and a few basic sounds. It remains to be seen if the 15-second clips will eventually show up on the company's main YouTube channel as well, but even if they do, they're definitely not flashy enough to go viral.

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That being said, simplicity is sometimes the way to go when you're trying to convey a serious and important message. For instance, you may remember a pair of privacy-focused commercials called "The Answer" and "Inside Joke", which Apple released in the last few months. Although the two videos were longer and more elaborated than today's iMessage encryption and App Store privacy PSAs, they were also pretty confusing, failing to hit the mark with either humor or information.

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In contrast, while the two aforementioned new ads aren't trying to be funny, they're at least successful in properly informing iPhone users of their devices' strengths. They also shuffle some key words around to illustrate the wall Apple forms between its apps and malware, as well as the way your conversations are scrambled to maintain your complete privacy.

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Those are pretty nice touches, and the same goes for the letters removed from a phrase and recycled into the second part of the "Material Recycling" ad. That's also a very simple and low-key iPhone promo, which however manages to make its point rather efficiently, reminding us of Apple's tireless iPhone recycling efforts.
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