Vote now: How often do you wear your smartwatch?

Vote now: How often do you wear your smartwatch?
Smartwatches are like opinions nowadays—everybody has one. Wait, that's not how the saying goes. Anyway. The point is, smartwatches have become so commonplace that chances are you have one in your home. But how often does it take a ride on your wrist?

Of course, it depends on so many things—some days you might not feel like wearing it; many people use smartwatches only during workouts; and some just can't stand sleeping with a watch. Then there's the question of charging. If you're using a hybrid smartwatch or one with a monochrome or e-ink display, charging is probably much less important in this equation.

However, with more complex and sophisticated smartwatches, or the ones that simply refuse to consider battery life to be important (khm-Apple-Watch-khm), charging becomes a daily routine, which means you can't wear your watch all the time.

It's a very complex equation, and I'm not sure about all the parameters. Should we include taking a bath in it? I can't see a reason to bathe with your smartwatch on other than pure laziness, but some people might want to take their heart rate or do some Wim Hoff ice baths and use the timer on their watch.

Anyway, we'll try to narrow it down or generalize it as best we can. Vote in our poll and share any interesting stories or occasions where you had to take your smartwatch off (or on) in the comments below.

How often do you wear your smartwatch?

All the time (I take it off only for charging)
Daytime use (I don't sleep with my smartwatch on)
Only during workouts (fitness tracking)
Only when I go to bed (sleep tracking)
From time to time (It's random, okay?!)
Never (It's gathering dust somewhere...)
I don't own a smartwatch
Other (funny stories in the comments)

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