'Significant' supply chain issue leads to revised Samsung Galaxy S22 release schedule

'Significant' supply chain issue leads to revised Samsung Galaxy S22 release schedule
While tech behemoths like Samsung and Apple often work on their product roadmaps looking several years into the future, significant delays and even cancellations can sometimes happen at the last minute.

The Galaxy S21 FE, for instance, is on the verge of becoming the most frequently and thoroughly leaked Android device in history, and although we no longer expect the inexpensive high-ender to be altogether axed, its release date was probably moved around more times than you can count on the fingers of one hand.

Given the towering importance of the Galaxy S22 trio for its manufacturer and even the mobile industry as a whole, we obviously don't expect Samsung's next big thing (s) to suffer quite the same fate. Unfortunately, it also doesn't look like those bad boys will go on sale as early as many prospective buyers undoubtedly hoped.

Big gap between pre-orders and general availability coming

Yes, ladies and gents, we're afraid you may have to wait quite a while to receive your very own S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra/S22 Note unit after placing your pre-order starting February 9, 2022.

That's at least according to Jon Prosser, a prolific Twitter tipster known for getting a lot of this type of stuff right, but also for occasionally leaking the wrong design or launch date. Prosser, mind you, was the same guy who told us to expect a pre-order start on February 8 and a February 18, 2022 "launch" roughly a month and a half ago.

While the pre-order date has purportedly been moved by just one day, "general" Galaxy S22 series availability is now tipped for February 25 due to a "pretty significant supply chain issue."

Granted, a one-week delay might not sound like the result of a "significant" supply chain issue, but it's definitely worth pointing out that the S22 family was initially rumored to see daylight in January 2022, in line with this year's S21 series announcement and commercial release.

That makes every additional week feel like a potentially big problem, especially in the absence of a traditional Galaxy Note series launch this fall that may have well contributed to the rampant global iPhone 13 demand.

Perhaps more worryingly, February 25, 2022 is still more than two months away at the time of this writing, and if Samsung is indeed facing a "significant" supply chain issue speculated for the first time today, said problem may not end up being solved in the timeline estimated at the moment. Otherwise put, the S22 availability schedule could be revised again down the line.

What kind of issue are we talking about here?

Obviously, there's no way to answer that question at the moment, and it's unlikely that we'll be able to offer you possible answers with any degree of confidence anytime soon.

Once again, February 9 and February 25, 2022 are not exactly right around the corner, which means that whatever is giving Samsung headaches is probably related to the early stages of these handsets' production.

We might be talking malfunctioning components, glitchy camera sensors, or... overheating processors, although that's naturally just speculation on our part, which may or may not prove accurate in the end. 

The global chip shortage that's been wreaking havoc on countless product launches, S21 FE included, for many months now is another possible culprit, particularly after that incredibly in-depth report detailing Apple's struggles to keep up with iPhone 13 series demand due to the inability of many suppliers to produce small but essential parts for so many consumer electronics these days.

Whatever the cause, Samsung will most definitely suffer greatly from both a financial and brand image perspective if the Galaxy S22 trio ends up being released as late as March 2022.
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