Browse Definitions by Alphabet

  • YAGNI principle (You Aren't Gonna Need It) - YAGNI principle ("You Aren't Gonna Need It") is a practice in software development which states that features should only be added when required.
  • Yahoo - Yahoo, or Yahoo.
  • yak shaving - Yak shaving is programming lingo for the seemingly endless series of small tasks that have to be completed before the next step in a project can move forward.
  • YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) - YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data serialization language used as the input format for diverse software applications.
  • Yammer - Yammer is a private microblogging and collaboration platform for enterprise social networking.
  • Yardi - Yardi is a software vendor that makes applications for all sizes of property management and real estate companies.
  • Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) - Yellowdog Update, Modified (YUM) is a program that manages installation, updates and removal for Red Hat package manager (RPM) systems.
  • yobibyte (YiB) - A yobibyte (YiB) is a unit of measure used to describe data capacity as part of the binary system of measuring computing and storage capacity.
  • yottabyte (YB) - A yottabyte (YB) is a measure of theoretical storage capacity and data volumes equal to 2 to the 80th power bytes, or approximately a million trillion megabytes (MB).
  • YubiKey - YubiKey is a security token that enables users to add a second authentication factor to online services from tier 1 vendor partners, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Salesforce.
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