
What I Use: Home Swap 2016

What I Use: Home Swap 2016

This year's home swap is different for a number of reasons, not the least of…

A Quick Thurrott Premium Update

A Quick Thurrott Premium Update

We're getting ready to start phasing in some of the Thurrott Premium features we've promised,…

Ask Paul: What Do You Use for Backup?

Ask Paul: What Do You Use for Backup?

This is a bit random, but three readers have asked me the same question over…

What I Use: Must-Have Gadgets for Any Trip

What I Use: Must-Have Gadgets for Any Trip

I travel a lot for work and pleasure, and if I’m going to be spending…

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

About a year and a half ago, I partnered with Blue Whale Web to create…

Please Welcome IT Unity and NC Communications

Please Welcome IT Unity and NC Communications

Almost a year and a half ago, I made the difficult but exciting decision to…

What I Use: San Francisco/Build 2016

What I Use: San Francisco/Build 2016

It's been a while since I wrote about my business travel setup, so here's a…

Coming Soon: Everything Must Go

Coming Soon: Everything Must Go

I'm not sure of the timing, or even exactly what I'll be parting with, but… mug

Win a Surface Pro 4 and Help by Taking A Survey

We need your help! Thurrott is working on building the future of the site and…

Reading List: My Favorite Audiobooks of 2015

Reading List: My Favorite Audiobooks of 2015

While we may never again experience the perfection of "The Martian" audiobook from 2014, this…

Live in the Boston Area? Please Help with a PC Focus Group

Live in the Boston Area? Please Help with a PC Focus Group

Next week, I am conducting a focus group study in Dedham on behalf of a…

Hello, Again: Welcome to the New

Hello, Again: Welcome to the New

I'm happy to announce the first major changes to this web site, which is now…

Thurrott Is Growing Up, New Social Accounts Now Live

Thurrott has new social channels that will help you follow our content and engage with…

Reading List: Industry E-Books and Audiobooks

Reading List: Industry E-Books and Audiobooks

A few readers have asked me recently for recommendations on recent books about the personal…

Ask Paul: The Importance of Clean PC

Much of my email traffic is from people looking for help, but regardless of that…

Thinking About the Content Roadmap

I wanted to discuss my ideas for building out the content on this site, a…

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