More Mobile

More Mobile setup in Mexico City

More Mobile: Mexico City Changes (Premium)

My wife and I both use More Mobile setups here in Mexico City that consist…


More Mobile: A Lot Less Mobile (Premium)

Back in December, I wrote about the possibility of using a desktop PC at home…


More Mobile: Minimal Mobile (Premium)

In 2022, my More Mobile setup helped me discover a problem with 12th-Gen Intel Core…


More Mobile: Troubleshooting Update (Premium)

One month after my last Most Mobile update, I wanted to provide an update to…


More Mobile: Problems in Paradise (Premium)

The problems first began in the summer, I think: I had moved the review unit…


More Mobile: Sweet 16 (Premium)

An influx of exciting new 16-inch laptops this year has reset my expectations when it…


What I Use: Mexico City, May 2022 (Premium)

I’ve somehow managed to travel to Mexico City three times this year, for a total…


More Mobile: Trying the OS Alternatives (Premium)

I’ve been thinking a lot about Windows alternatives lately. And so have you, based on…


More Mobile: External Display (Premium)

The appearance of a new HP Conferencing Monitor for review has thrown a (temporary?) wrench…


More Mobile: Less Mobile? (Premium)

Last September, I wrote about my experiments with more mobile computing setups, and over time,…


More Mobile: Packing It Up (Premium)

Our trip to Mexico this month has been a resounding success on many levels, one…


More Mobile: On the Road (Premium)

I was eagerly anticipating this trip to Mexico City for a lot of reasons, but…


More Mobile: Getting Started with Dual SIMs (Premium)

Back in the early 2000s, my wife and I started traveling internationally again, first as…


More Mobile: The New Setup (Premium)

Thanks to some Amazon gift cards and the Black Friday sale, I’ve upgraded my more…


More Mobile: Black Friday (Premium)

Like many of you, I pay attention to the Black Friday deals on personal technology…


More Mobile: NAS No More (Premium)

A few weeks ago, I received an email I had been expecting for some time:…

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