The Essentials: Subscribing To First Ring Daily


Every day of the week, Paul and I host a podcast called First Ring Daily. If you are a premium member, you have access to the video/audio all days of the week and everyone can access the podcast on Friday (both video and audio).

Because I get several emails a week asking how Premium members can subscribe to the RSS feed of the podcast, it’s time to write a post. So, outlined below are the steps needed to subscribe and the links you will need.

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Premium Audio (All Days):

The first thing you will need to determine is if your podcast app supports authentication. If it does, the RSS feed that you need is here, add that URL to your RSS reader and it (provided your app supports it) will prompt you to enter your login and password (this is the same as your credentials).

If your podcast app does not support authentication, you can try a second method that has had good results for our listeners. Enter the URL as follows: https://Username:[email protected]/feed/first-ring-daily

In the event that your app prompts you and your credentials are rejected, please double check you entered them correctly and if that does not solve the issue, please create a thread in the forum and we can assist you there.

Non-Premium Audio (Friday Only):

We know that everyone will not become a premium subscriber, if you are interested – this link will save 25% – valid until the end of the year, but still want access to the podcasts on Friday; simply add this URL to your podcast reader.

Video RSS:

We have received several requests for a video only RSS feed; we are currently have this option in our pipeline and I’ll update this post when that feature becomes available.

If you have any other questions about the podcast, premium or anything else that we do, happy to address them in the comments.

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Conversation 48 comments

  • 1816

    15 December, 2016 - 12:22 pm

    <p>&nbsp;If you use the second method (Username:Password), make sure you don’t have any special characters in the password. Mine had an @ character and it wouldn’t work. I changed my password to use only letters and digits and it works fine in PocketCasts.</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      15 December, 2016 - 12:55 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30628">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/DaddyBrownJr">DaddyBrownJr</a><a href="#30628">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Excellent tip, thanks!</p>

    • 1820

      15 December, 2016 - 1:15 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30628">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/DaddyBrownJr">DaddyBrownJr</a><a href="#30628">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>I had some special characters (not the @ sign, though) and it worked OK. It seems like the @ sign is the delimiter between the user name/password and the actual feed URL, so definitely stay away from the @ sign. I used a # and ^ with no issue.</p>
      <p>But definitely good advice.</p>
      <p>Oh, and I’m using PocketCasts as well.</p>

      • 223

        Premium Member
        15 December, 2016 - 2:20 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#30642">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/jbinaz">jbinaz</a><a href="#30642">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>Percent sign is also a problem in passwords too. Mine had two, and I replaced them with exclamation marks which worked perfectly.</p>

  • 289

    Premium Member
    15 December, 2016 - 12:58 pm

    <p>When are forum notifications coming? If conversation is to flourish we need to know when people reply to our posts/replies.</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      15 December, 2016 - 1:53 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30640">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/Chris_Kez">Chris_Kez</a><a href="#30640">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>I dont have an exact date but the basics of the planning have already begun/happened…the ball is rolling on this.</p>

  • 796

    Premium Member
    15 December, 2016 - 1:21 pm

    <p>Joy – I just put in my BWW ticket on this yesterday! Feed URL now working</p>

  • 1561

    Premium Member
    15 December, 2016 - 3:56 pm

    <p>I’ve been able to add the daily RSS feed to Microsoft’s Podcast app for Windows 10 Mobile, but it doesn’t save the username and password. So I’m forced to enter that every single time I launch the app. Given that a lot of Microsoft folks read this blog, perhaps one of them could pass along the information to whomever keeps that app updated and ask them to add the ability to cache user credentials.</p>
    <p>I’ve also upvoted several related threads on the&nbsp;feedback site.</p>

  • 2525

    Premium Member
    15 December, 2016 - 4:43 pm

    <p>Worked a treat in podcast addict on android.&nbsp;</p>
    <p>For those needing the url method for authentication, because it’s a URL you need to escape special characters. Easy way is to open Bing, search for url encode and you should get an encode textbox inline in your search results. Put your password in there and use the modified output as your password within the rss url.&nbsp;</p>
    <p>Note: I haven’t tried this but the @ being a separator is no different from needing to escape other special chars in a URL, eg the ‘?’, if they need to actually come through as what they are instead of being treated as a separator/delimiter.</p>

  • 901

    Premium Member
    15 December, 2016 - 5:54 pm

    <p>Gotta admit. Getting a little fatigued listening to you guys on so many redundant podcasts every week. I might just subscribe to the free weekly one so I don’t get burnt out on listening… :P</p>

  • 180

    15 December, 2016 - 9:45 pm

    <p>Brad, this had been working fine for me, until about a week and a half ago when I stopped getting downloads in Pocket Casts. I’d been able to test and see the XML by putting the RSS feed address into Chrome and authenticating, but now it doesn’t accept my credentials. Is there anyone I can have look at this? If it was just my podcatcher I’d shrug and try something else, but as I can’t access the feed in a browser either…</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      16 December, 2016 - 7:22 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30726">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/Polycrastinator">Polycrastinator</a><a href="#30726">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Give it a try again, flushed your account on the backend.</p>

      • 180

        16 December, 2016 - 8:02 am

        <blockquote><em><a href="#30797">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/brad-sams">Brad Sams</a><a href="#30797">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>That seems to have fixed it, thanks.</p>

      • 3183

        05 January, 2017 - 1:27 pm

        <blockquote><em><a href="#30797">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/brad-sams">Brad Sams</a><a href="#30797">:</a></em></blockquote>
        <p>I seem to be having a similar issue with the username:password url with PocketCasts on the web. I’m able to add the feed successfully but then PocketCasts is unable to receive new episodes. I’ve tried unsubscribing and re-subscribing but the new content still does not show up. Any help would be great.</p>

  • 2428

    Premium Member
    16 December, 2016 - 2:28 am

    <p>The second method does not work&nbsp;on Windows&nbsp;10 Mobile. The Podcast app simply crashes. The app also does not remember passwords. Maybe if you can reach out to the intern&nbsp;that supports this app&nbsp;it would be great. In the mean time, any decent Podcast apps worth&nbsp;using, free or otherwise?&nbsp;</p>

    • 757

      20 December, 2016 - 9:11 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30755">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/madthinus">madthinus</a><a href="#30755">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Pocket Casts is also available on W10M&nbsp;</p>

  • 367

    16 December, 2016 - 3:47 am
  • 367

    16 December, 2016 - 3:50 am

    <p>I follow/listen to all podcasts from Paul and I am a Day One subscriber, but…none of this works for me. I use Casts on iPhone 6s. Sorry,…unless I can listen everyday while I work…I won’t renew.</p>

    • 49

      Premium Member
      16 December, 2016 - 7:24 am

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30759">In reply to </a><a href="../../users/[email protected]">[email protected]</a><a href="#30759">:</a></em></blockquote>
      <p>Everything on the backend looks like it should work…what errors are you seeing/what app are you using?</p>

  • 1413

    Premium Member
    16 December, 2016 - 6:45 am

    <p>This works a treat in IOS – keeping up to date with all the podcasts is now my problem :)</p>

  • 2050

    Premium Member
    16 December, 2016 - 11:45 am

    <p>Good article, I will have to try some of these methods.</p>

  • 4969

    16 December, 2016 - 2:45 pm

    <p>couldn’t use the rss link in W10 mobile, kept asking me to save and wouldn’t open the download. So im using the Podcast (beta) app by David Catuhe (sorry no way to share links from windows store on phone) this gives you option of adding feed manually (click globe next to search bar) WITH login details. I entered and my user details and bingo. Subscribed.</p>

    • Simard57

      15 March, 2017 - 12:45 pm

      <blockquote><em><a href="#30891">In reply to Ajwa68:</a></em></blockquote><p>i downloaded same app and it fails for me. unable to parse RSS error</p><p><br></p>

  • 9447

    Premium Member
    21 December, 2016 - 5:38 pm

    <p>&nbsp;I am trying to add the RSS feed to my podcast app (Pocket Cast on iOs). I type the URL (for a nonauthenticating app) and Pocket Cast only shows that there were no podcasts found (I’m using the discover function in Pocket Casts to enter the URL). Any idea what I might be doing wrong?</p>

  • 8680

    Premium Member
    28 December, 2016 - 7:24 pm

    <p>&nbsp;I tried all the suggestions and none of them work. I’m tried using it with both Overcast and Pocket casts on my iPhone and it wont work. Any suggestions?</p>

  • 5984

    Premium Member
    01 January, 2017 - 11:06 am

    <p>I have tried both RSS methods on Overcast and Pocket Casts (both iOS and web player) and the authentication won’t work. Both apps state "Podcast not found". Any ideas?</p>

  • 165

    Premium Member
    07 January, 2017 - 1:22 pm

    <p>Anyone get this working with Grover or Grover Pro?</p>

  • 9722

    Premium Member
    17 January, 2017 - 5:00 pm

    <p>&nbsp; Is there a page that shows "All" of the First Ring Daily Episodes? There is an Episodes page but it only goes from 71-64 then stops. I have done a search on the string "First Ring Daily Ep" and I get 1,2,21, etc. Where are 3-20? Do they even exist?</p>

  • 3591

    23 January, 2017 - 8:17 pm

    <p>Any update on the video RSS?</p>

  • 10301

    30 January, 2017 - 2:31 pm

    <p>Why is the audio so horrible today?</p>

  • AnthonyB

    26 February, 2017 - 1:28 am

    <p>Will subscribe once there is a video RSS!</p>

  • dnm

    Premium Member
    16 March, 2017 - 4:53 pm

    <p>Also interested in the Video RSS. I mostly listen to podcasts on the go, audio-only has had some instances where it would have been nice to pull out the phone and watch the video to understand what is going on.</p>

  • rr20552

    10 May, 2017 - 3:48 pm

    <p>Hi, </p><p><br></p><p>Having recently subscribed I seem unable to add the RSS feed. </p><p><br></p><p>I have tried the the username and password URL and have also removed any special characters from my password. </p><p><br></p><p>I have tried IOS podcast and Overcast. </p><p><br></p><p>Any ideas? </p>

  • compmunkey

    27 May, 2017 - 3:15 pm

    <p>I am unable to subscribe. When I try to get the rss address it prompts me to log in over and over which I have now done on two different browsers on a computer as well as my phone. I also tried to manually add the url given above with my username and password and it says authentication fails. I have done it numerous times and even logged out and back in of to make sure I had my user name and password correct. </p>

  • smokinbenrage

    03 July, 2017 - 5:29 pm

    <p>Just signed up to listen to the podcast while I am working and my login credentials are not working with the RSS feed. What do I need to do?</p>

  • iPetr

    12 July, 2017 - 5:32 pm

    <p>Cannot get this working with Pocket Casts :(</p><p><br></p><p>edit: tried in Apple podcasts and it does not work either</p>

  • Jeffrey S Piatt

    23 July, 2017 - 10:24 am

    <p>The subscribers feed is coming up as a 404 error</p>

  • Orangeguy

    15 August, 2017 - 10:41 pm

    <p>So is there any iOS users finding success with the feed? I am using the https://myusername:[email protected]/feed/first-ring-daily link and have changed my password to remove special characters. Are there others currently working?</p><p><br></p><p>EDIT: After speaking with Brad on Twitter he changed something that affected only a few users that signed up at a unique time it is now working with the iOS app Overcast. Pocketcast is still saying to check my internet connection.</p>

  • MityK

    Premium Member
    29 August, 2017 - 6:00 pm

    <p>Not download new episodes in Pocket Casts. Last episode in rss feed dated August 9</p>

  • MityK

    Premium Member
    30 August, 2017 - 8:12 am

    <p>Can't get to RSS feed. Looks like my user name MityK and password don't work anymore. Please help.</p>

  • Orangeguy

    06 September, 2017 - 4:56 pm

    <p>On the Pay link If you try and use your UN:PW combination you will always get denied and it will ask you to log in again. It doesn't work from Chrome so I suspect that is why it also doesn't work from Pocketcast, Overcast, Castro or Apple's Podcast app. I have tried them all for last 2 weeks. I thought it was working once and it may have kinda after Brad did something, then after getting the free Friday podcast that was the last podcast I saw. I guess we all just need to vote with our Premium Account subscriptions. I have emailed support again, if I don't have access prior to the 15th I will assume I need to cancel the subscription that is coming out on the 25th. I like the material here or I would have long since bailed, I hope someone is looking here in the forums as well. </p><p><br></p><p>https://Orangeguy:[email protected]/feed/first-ring-daily </p><p><br></p><p>Is what I have been trying with no success, the PW is obviously not my password, but I have modified it remove all special characters. It is over 8 characters long, mixed case, alpha numeric but surely that would work. </p>

    • Orangeguy

      06 September, 2017 - 11:40 pm

      <blockquote><a href="#172933"><em>In reply to Orangeguy:</em></a></blockquote><p>If your trying took use the link from their menu to send a message to [email protected] use your own mail client. I sent two earlier with no response, I finally sent one from my mail app and at least received an automated we got your email response. So possibly they aren't getting the barrage of the RSS feed isn't working emails if like me you used their form.</p>

  • MityK

    Premium Member
    13 September, 2017 - 9:08 am

    <p>This happen again. Notice that last available episode in Pocket Cats from 9/8/2017. This is the last episode before my new monthly billing cycle (9/9/2017). Can't get to RSS feed. Looks like my user name MityK and password don't work anymore for The First Ring Daily.&nbsp;</p><p>Please help!!</p>

  • jboman32768

    Premium Member
    05 October, 2017 - 7:31 pm

    <p>I'm getting an authentication failure on even though my membership status is good. Anyone else getting this?</p>

  • peterh_oz

    14 November, 2017 - 12:38 am

    <p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Hopefully the changes to FRD will allow/prompt you to finally provide a video RSS. Cheers</span></p>

  • jhuylebroeck

    Premium Member
    23 April, 2018 - 3:07 pm

    <p>I think the rss feed is down. ?</p>

  • birju009

    11 June, 2019 - 12:34 pm

    <p><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(106, 106, 106);"><strong>The Essentials</strong></a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(84, 84, 84);">:&nbsp;</a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(106, 106, 106);"><strong>Subscribing To First Ring Daily</strong></a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(84, 84, 84);">.&nbsp;</a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(106, 106, 106);"><strong>Every day</strong></a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(84, 84, 84);">&nbsp;of the week, Paul and I host a podcast called&nbsp;</a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(106, 106, 106);"><strong>First Ring Daily</strong></a><a href="; target="_blank" style="color: rgb(84, 84, 84);">. … Because </a></p>

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