From the Editor's Desk

Ancient Bank of New England computer for tellers

From the Editor’s Desk: Doubt (Premium)

I’m not sure where the self-doubt comes from or, in my case, when it started,…

Reforma skyline, Mexico City

From the Editor’s Desk: Fear (Premium)

We had an interesting conversation with a couple we met in Mexico City who were…

Mark and Kelly, France 2012

From the Editor’s Desk: Kids (Premium)

We're flying home tomorrow (Tuesday) and the past few days have been a bit of…

No, not that phone

From the Editor’s Desk: Can You Hear Me Now? (Premium)

We've traveled internationally for decades, mostly to Europe, but semi-exclusively to Mexico City for the…

Old-timey colorized photo of Dedham, MA

From the Editor’s Desk: Bully (Premium)

My kids and I grew up in the same town, and we went to the…

Jello cups

Just Another Sunday (Premium)

This past Sunday provided an interesting reminder of why we love Mexico City so much,…

Holding hands on the streets of Mexico City

From the Editor’s Desk: Here and There (Premium)

After a 20-year break, my wife Stephanie and I visited Europe again in 2003, and…

Planting a flag on that hill

From the Editor’s Desk: Tribe (Premium)

Leo mentioned the term tribalism on a recent episode of Windows Weekly, and it's perhaps…

Young, full of life, and with a lifetime of promise in front of her.

From the Editor’s Desk: Everything Changes, Nothing Changes (Premium)

I've been confronting the past and trying to reconcile it with the present, and all…

Writer's block

From the Editor’s Desk: Technology Has Never Failed Me (Premium)

I owned personal computers—what we then called home computers—before I was even a teenager, and…

Electronic payment

From the Editor’s Desk: Tip (Premium)

With the holidays already upon us, a friend and "vecino" in our apartment in Mexico…

Bike on a fence in Macungie, PA

From the Editor’s Desk: The Grass is Always Greener (Premium)

We visited with friends and family over the past weekend and my brother, who has…

Hand with measuring tape

From the Editor’s Desk: Five Months In (Premium)

Five months ago, I resolved to take responsibility for my health and work with my…

Road sign reflecting in the dark

From the Editor’s Desk: Autopilot (Premium)

I went to the gym this morning for the first time in I don't know…

My third home office this year

From the Editor’s Desk: Running in Reverse (Premium)

This year has been … interesting. And while it may seem a little early for…

Get over yourself

From the Editor’s Desk: The Unquiet American (Premium)

As I write this, we're on the final day of a three-week-plus trip to Mexico…

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