Price Trends

SSD Price Trends


SSD Street Price ($USD)

Street prices of SSDs are updated every two weeks.

WW SSD Street Price collected by diverse brands and densities in major markets, including NA, Japan and EU.

LastUpdate: 2024-09-27

Brand Specification Series Capacity High Low Average Change
ADATA SATA 3 SU630 240 48.86 29.73 35.95 3.98%
Crucial SATA 3 MX500 250 84.51 48.29 60.94 0.50%
Kingston SATA 3 A400 240 68.42 35.28 45.25 0.31%
Kimtigo PCIE 3.0 TP3000 512 30.50 23.50 27.00 -10.00%
WD SATA 3 WD Green 240 71.50 39.51 51.37 -3.01%
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