

cryptid ▪️ feral gremlin ▪️ netrunner ▪️ Mando’ad
31 ▪️ she/her ▪️ 18+ only!


Hello there! I'm Shiv (she / her, 31), welcome to my blog This is my main blog, where i reblog anything i like the look of, and post most of my content (which admittedly is mostly Cyberpunk 2077 related, but might occasionally include WoW and SWTOR) I also have a second blog where i post my art, and an instagram where i post some of my art (altho atm its mostly just my shitpost central in Stories)

Minors: be aware my blogs may contain 18+ content, please DNI, not with the blogs but also not with me personally. Thank you!


[Ghost as V] U can find my main OC for Cyberpunk under the tag Ghost / "V", or the link above, for her as the game story's V, and her ship with Takemura under the tag Ship: Ura-Goishi (these tags are currently very empty as ive shifted my focus away from these for now to focus on Ghost as a standalone character) [Ghost the Standalone Complex] U can also find her under the tag OC: Ghost of Night City, or the link above, for her as a standalone character in the cyberpunk universe, or as i sometimes affectionately call her: “nobody GhostMore OCs might be added in the future, as i do have a few Cyberpunk OCs, just no content for any of them for now

Anonymous asked:

okay I see you fellow Briareos appreciator

but what about Batou?

Oh that man has always had me weak

Especially short haired batō from the first movie liiiiike


"immortality sucks because all your friends die" all your friends die anyway. those we do not mourn are those who mourn us.

"immortality sucks because you forget who you are" we always forget who we are. do you remember who you were at four years of age? who you were at fourteen? "who i am" is a shadow cast on the wall.

"immortality sucks because" skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver


*tears streaming down my face as i desperately grab at the fabric of your shirt* am i at least cringe and annoying in a fuckable way


"I reported her because she was posting NSFW without mature labels which is against TOS!!!" you'd narc on someone for having their tits out at a gay bar because it's illegal you simply are not trustworthy

Anonymous asked:

where did you getthe heart shaped nipples from for your V?

Its a custom skin i made for my character

Its a personal mod, sorry!


Cat’s surgery went well

Aftercare tho…6 weeks of super intense care

3 days of being confined and then after that 5 and a half weeks of walking around only under close supervision/me leading her to strengthen the leg back up and cage rest outside of the walking

First 3 days icing it 3x a day, then the remaining 5 and a half weeks of heat pack, walk, icing it

2 weeks of painkillers 1x a day of which 5 days of antibiotics 2x a day

After the full 6 weeks shes allowed to walk around freely again

Luckily when i have my surgery she’ll already be 5 weeks post op :’) so she’ll be mostly through it

She’s no happy camper being confined rn i can tell u that, but shes otherwise in decent spirits

I bought some next day delivery supplies to make a confinement out of the space under the dining table so she can have her litterbox in there with her and have enough space otherwise to rest but not move around too much at the same time

I dont think i’ll sleep much the next 6 weeks, or have time to do much else other than watch her and care for her (and then ofc depending on how feel after my surgery, cos recovery for that will be a while too)


anyone that can tell me how i can adjust what clothing item the garment support of another clothing item adjusts to? is it through wolvenkit? like for example i want an item in AnkleLeft to adjust to LegsOuter (if thats possible) or vice versa, so the item in LegsOuter goes under/tucks into the item in AnkleLeft for context: previously the items were in slots AnkleRight and LegsInner and adjusted to each other as such, but i ideally would like to change the slots from AnkleRight to AnkleLeft and LegsInner to LegsOuter and adjust the garment support to the new slots, i just dont know how to adjust the garment support or if its even possible (i know how to adjust the slots they go into tho)

(also please explain this to me like im 5 cos im rly dumb when it comes to this kind of stuff)


Your twitchy and unsteady hands are NOT from an excessive consumption of sugar and caffiene. You come from a bloodline that traces back to mighty sorcerers, your nerves are less suited for activities like surgery and more for the swift and sporadic movements needed to cast spells.

Excellent post my liege. If you've need of practicing said spells, I happen to have a grimoire full of spells you could try. Pay no mind to the fact that it is bound in human skin. It's an old grimoire, they did things much differently back then.

Everyone else quit responding to this post your comments mean nothing to me. I wish to be left alone with my advisor and the grimoire that emits terifying cello melodies when I open it.


I honestly cant deal with summer

Everyone always talking about thicc thighs and phat asses but no one talks about how unsexy u feel with the chub rub and swamp ass while ur hair is sticking to ur forehead and ur breathing like u just ran a marathon

"If you shoot me, you won't see a cent of that money."

Clint Eastwood as Blondie in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966, dir. Sergio Leone)


𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 - 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞
