
Documentary heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean: UNESCO's Memory of the World Regional Register 2000-2018

Unesco's Memory of the World program for Latin America and the Caribbean (MoWLAC) provides an opportunity to preserve documentation linked to the development of human thought and events, the evolution of languages, cultures, people and their understanding of the world.
Documentary heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean: UNESCO's Memory of the World Regional Register 2000-2018
Blanco, Lourdes
Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Memory of the World Programme
Marques da Fonseca, Vitor Manoel
Moresco, Sandra

Created in 2000 to make Latin American and Caribbean documentary memory visible, the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNESCO's Memory of the World Program (MoWLAC) offers in this book a detailed record of its almost twenty years of activity in its task of identifying, recording, preserving and facilitating access to the region's documentary wealth, a heritage shared by all humanity. 

As a memory of memory, the book refers to and contextualizes 191 archival and bibliographic collections from 42 countries, in a community that integrates different languages and cultures. But it also provides a history of MoWLAC's work, demonstrating its strength and capacity for articulation, as evidenced, for example, in the joint proposals of several institutions and countries, beyond the limits of their cultural and geographic area.