Amazon Patents

Biometrics Identification Systems

Amazon filed these patents around Biometrics Identification Systems in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10872221B2 A system for non-contact biometric identification of users using scanning devices that capture images of the user's hand
2. US11288490B1 A user recognition system that allows users to be identified using biometric information like palm prints, faces, or voices instead of traditional identification methods like ID cards or passwords
3. US11734688B2 Determining group membership of users entering a facility using cameras and sensors at entry locations
4. US11017203B1 A user-recognition system that allows users to be identified for various purposes, such as automating traditional checkout experiences in a materials handling facility, using biometric-based recognition techniques
5. US20210097547A1 A biometric-based user recognition system for materials handling facilities that enables contactless identification of users for automating traditional checkout experiences
6. US20220262156A1 Identifying users using biometric-recognition techniques to enable contactless checkout and inventory management in materials handling facilities
7. US11422568B1 Autonomous mobile devices (AMDs) that can actively facilitate image-based authentication
8. US11705133B1 Using facial and speech recognition to identify users for materials handling facilities
9. US11651059B2 Using voice-based user interface for an entity's services that is available to multiple users
10. US11431514B1 Securely transmitting device-attested biometric data from a trusted biometric device to a server for identification and authentication purposes
11. US20200302147A1 A compact biometric input device that captures hand images for non-contact biometric identification of users
12. US11537813B1 Generating synthetic multimodal images to improve training and evaluation of hand recognition systems
13. US11663805B1 A user-recognition system that uses biometric identification techniques to eliminate the need for traditional forms of identification like ID cards
14. US11354936B1 A system for incremental facial recognition using clustering and classifier models to improve accuracy and reduce latency
15. US11282495B2 Processing audio data from a user device to determine data that identifies the user without transmitting the audio data itself

Download the full patent report containing all of the 29 patents
