Amazon Patents

Internet Of Things (IoT)

Amazon filed these patents around Internet Of Things (IoT) in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US11294622B2 System for audio output control in smart home environments with multiple voice-assistant devices
2. US10659855B2 Voice activated device with integrated heatsinks and speakers that can be used in environments with limited space, yet provide visual and audible indications to users that can be seen or heard from various positions
3. US11464348B2 A smart cart that uses cameras and sensors to identify items placed in or removed from the cart, determine the outcome of events involving the items, and update a virtual cart accordingly
4. US10846780B2 Using sensor data from smart replenishment devices like weight sensors or distance sensors on automatic replenishment devices (ARDs) to dynamically adjust and optimize automatic reordering of items
5. US11196966B2 Identifying persons of interest in video footage captured by smart cameras using wireless device signals
6. US10971144B2 Providing contextually relevant experiences across multiple devices by embedding item identifiers in media content
7. US10714085B2 Temporarily associating a user account with a voice-enabled device in an environment like a hotel room
8. US11763808B2 Temporarily associating user accounts with voice-enabled devices in environments like hotels to enable personalized voice commands
9. US11734326B2 Disambiguating which profile to use when executing a user input to a communal device like a hotel room device
10. US11509525B1 Voice-enabled setup of smart devices without the need to input information via multiple applications
11. US10425781B1 Grouping smart devices together into acoustic regions based on their audio capabilities and using selection data to determine a default device in each region
12. US11381780B2 Intelligent grocery cart that identifies and tracks items added and removed by the user
13. US11057375B1 User authentication through registered device communications that leverages existing registered devices of a user to authenticate them
14. US11115629B1 Confirming package delivery remotely using audio/video devices
15. US11258671B1 Functionality management for devices that enables efficient use of resources by coordinating device operations in a home environment

Download the full patent report containing all of the 177 patents
