Amazon Patents

Speech And Language Processing

Amazon filed these patents around Speech And Language Processing in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US11410639B2 Generating high-quality speech from text using a trained model
2. US10522167B1 Using deep neural networks to improve noise cancellation in electronic devices like smartphones
3. US10937413B2 Training a language recognition model to recognize input provided in a target language utilizing data associated with a reference language model
4. US20200380216A1 Evaluating neural network based machine translation models using statistical phrase tables to improve translation quality and reduce resource usage
5. US20230297327A1 Time-based local device arbitration to designate a device to perform an action with respect to user speech when multiple devices detect the speech
6. US20230298577A1 Techniques to improve the user experience and recover from errors when using voice assistants like Alexa
7. US10950249B2 Embedding audio watermarks in output audio to enable unique functionality like wakeword suppression and local signal transmission
8. US20210104245A1 Detecting sentiment in audio data using a trained machine learning model that combines acoustic and lexical features
9. US20210398525A1 A system for processing natural language inputs from users and responding with actions using multiple assistants
10. US11170776B1 A system that allows handoff of user input from one speech processing configuration to another
11. US10685669B1 Improving the accuracy of voice-enabled devices in determining which device should respond to a user's voice command when multiple devices are in the same environment
12. US10440324B1 Identifying and removing undesirable sounds and images from communication data in real-time to improve user experience during communication sessions
13. US20220020357A1 Distributed speech processing system that improves local speech processing by comparing local NLU data to remote NLU data to improve a speech processing model
14. US20220093101A1 Multi-user dialog processing for a virtual assistant system that allows the system to participate in a conversation with multiple users
15. US10958457B1 Automated voice-based assistance and device control in association with a meeting, such as a teleconference, videoconference, or in-person meeting

Download the full patent report containing all of the 402 patents
