Apple Patents

Image Capturing And Processing

Apple filed these patents around Image Capturing And Processing in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10432861B2 Improving image capture from stabilized cameras by capturing short-exposure and long-exposure images and fusing them together
2. US10535286B2 A sensing system for compensating pixel properties in a display to improve uniformity
3. US10564517B2 Using magnetic sensing to improve position accuracy of compact camera modules
4. US10594930B2 Automatically modifying images using samples from other images
5. US10685421B1 Configurable convolution engine for performing convolution and per-channel machine learning operations of input data of various channels in a desired manner by configuring operations of the components in the convolution engine
6. US10719918B2 Dynamically determining filtering strengths for noise processing of image data to improve noise filtering performance
7. US10762692B2 Providing virtual lighting adjustments to image data in real time using a model trained to identify pixel adjustments for a particular virtual lighting mode
8. US10768411B2 A scanning device for optical applications that uses a hybrid design combining MEMS and mechanical components to achieve high-resolution, low-power scanning
9. US10789756B2 A method for efficient encoding and execution of indirect command buffers in graphics processing
10. US10830930B1 Antireflective infrared cut filter coatings for electronic device windows like camera lenses to reduce reflections and infrared light transmission
11. US10853927B2 Fusing two images captured with different exposure times to generate a fused image with higher dynamic range than the captured images
12. US10868985B2 An image processing pipeline that processes image data in an image processing pipeline at multiple rates to more efficiently leverage the processing capabilities of the image processing pipeline
13. US10871820B2 Detecting user input on an input surface using a laser scanning system
14. US10880455B2 A circuit for converting input image pixel values into output image pixel values of high dynamic range (HDR) format using a color conversion function
15. US10896525B2 Managing graphics hardware resources like textures to improve memory efficiency and reduce unnecessary loading of textures

Download the full patent report containing all of the 643 patents
