Apple Patents

Security And Privacy

Apple filed these patents around Security And Privacy in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10524084B2 Determining a wireless device's location after power down
2. US10657238B2 Detecting unauthorized use of an electronic device like a smartphone and gathering information about the device and the unauthorized user to alert the device owner
3. US10740476B2 Detecting unauthorized programming of non-volatile memory devices like flash drives
4. US10807766B2 Smart packaging for retail products that automatically authenticates or activates packaged products when opened
5. US10887863B2 Secure time-of-arrival calculations in UWB systems using pulse polarity sequences to detect spoofing
6. US10936456B1 Detecting and recovering from system-level malfunctions in a memory system by monitoring patterns of bad blocks over multiple storage operations
7. US11025418B2 Securely storing and managing keys in a computing device with a secure enclave processor (SEP) to protect sensitive data
8. US11070676B2 Securely relaying incoming phone calls from a smartphone to a smart home device like a speaker
9. US11094381B2 Protecting NVM from rapid restart events that can cause data corruption and performance degradation
10. US11129014B2 Managing inactive eSIMs on secure elements of wireless devices to retrieve information and perform actions without activating the eSIMs
11. US11164179B2 Securely communicating and storing payment credentials on a mobile device to reduce fraud
12. US11177955B2 Device-to-device messaging protocol that enables secure messaging between devices without requiring a central server
13. US11178121B2 Securely updating software on electronic devices like computers, phones, and media players
14. US11188638B2 Fine-grained address space layout randomization (ASLR) to mitigate return oriented programming (ROP) security exploits
15. US11205021B2 Securing an accessory interface on a computing device to prevent unauthorized access

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