Apple Patents

Personal Health Monitoring

Apple filed these patents around Personal Health Monitoring in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10778829B2 Cumulatively tracking physical activity events like workouts across multiple wearable devices paired with a companion device
2. US10878683B2 Audio looping technique to provide information about a user involved in an accident to an emergency service
3. US11166104B2 Determining the installation position of a wearable electronic device like a smartwatch or earbuds
4. US11281262B2 Determining which limb a wearable electronic device is worn on using position sensing devices
5. US11334148B2 Determining relative motion of a user's body part relative to a non-fixed reference frame like a vehicle
6. US11397466B2 Detecting skin-to-skin contact and gestures using electrical signals
7. US11397486B2 Ultrasonic force detection system for detecting force applied by a body part to a surface
8. US11468787B1 Improving blood glucose management by using cameras to detect food consumption and determine treatment adjustments
9. US11553076B1 Automatically setting alarms and notifications on a smartphone based on user activity and sleep patterns
10. US11589761B2 A wearable electronic device with an optical sensor for biometric measurements like heart rate
11. US11605274B2 Providing audio looping techniques as described herein, according to at least one example
12. US11635334B2 Miniature dual heat flux temperature sensor for estimating deep tissue temperature of a user
13. US11638556B2 Determining caloric expenditure using a HR rate model specific to a motion class, such as arm only motion or body motion, to improve accuracy of calorie estimation during workouts
14. US11723563B1 Wearable electronic device that can accurately measure blood oxygen saturation using light emitters and sensors
15. US11744476B2 Blood pressure monitoring device that uses piezoelectric sensors to detect blood flow and pressure changes during inflation and deflation of the cuff

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