Walt Disney Was Here

On the heels of yesterday's article about Walt Disney's proposed apartment in New Orleans Square (now the Disneyland Dream Suite), I started doing some more looking around in regards to the actual apartment Walt occupied above the firehouse on Main Street, U.S.A. I had written about it previously, but at the time I couldn't find everything I wanted to share. Well, look what just turned up:

Yes, that's me, although quite a bit younger than I am today. It was 1996, and I had been working for The Disney Stores. That year, I participated in the Stores' nationwide trivia challenge for Cast Members and managed to make it all the way to the finals, held at Disneyland. Nine of us (typically eight, but there was a tie that year) were flown to California from across the country for the game show-style competition. Before the big day, though, we were treated to special tours of Disneyland, the Studio lot and Walt Disney Archives.

As part of that exclusive tour, we had the privilege of entering Walt Disney's private apartment above the firehouse. When the door was unlocked and we stepped inside, I got goosebumps. It was one of those remarkable experiences that can't easily be described. For years, I had owned the August 1963 issue of National Geographic, featuring a cover story on Disneyland along with the photo below of Walt and his family in the apartment. Now, I was here, too. I never felt as close to Walt Disney as I did in that moment.

In the picture of me above, you'll see that there's a framed copy of the National Geographic photo just over my shoulder. I couldn't help but ask to have my own photo taken in that same spot, imagining Walt's conversation on the phone and picturing Lillian and the grandchildren playing on the floor. Even if I never get the opportunity to visit again, I will never forget what that was like.


  1. This is amazing!!! What an experience!

  2. Awesome; I can only imagine what a tremendous moment that was for you. Thanks for sharing.

  3. And now, it's being included as a secret in Epic Mickey

  4. Wow! Just reading about your experience gave me chills!!! I always, always look up at the window and say a silent "Thanks" to Walt for creating Disneyland because his Park has given me so much joy.

