المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية

We leverage our scientific expertise to tailor solutions in Diagnostics & Life Science 🧬

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BIORUS is a leading medical products and services provider, headquartered in Dubai Science Park, United Arab Emirates. The company was established in 2012 and restructured in June 2020, focused on supplying a broad portfolio of leading global healthcare brands and best-in-class diagnostic products and machines across areas of Diagnostics and Life Science in the UAE and across the MENA region. We deliver and tailor innovative and advanced solutions to governmental and private sector clients such as hospitals and healthcare centers, clinical laboratories, local forces and police, academic and research institutions.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية
حجم الشركة
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المقر الرئيسي
Dubai Science Park - United Arab Emirates
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
In-vitro Diagnostics، Medical Devices، Life Science Research، Biotechnology، NGS، Research ، POCT، 3D BioPrinting، Molecular Diagnostics، Digital Health، LIMS، RT PCR، Clinical Microbiology، Vivarium Solution، Bioreactor، و Life Science

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في BIORUS


  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know that recent research has revealed a surprising link between Alzheimer's disease, traditionally associated with the brain, and the liver? Studies suggest that amyloid proteins, typically associated with the neurological degradation seen in Alzheimer's, may actually be produced in the liver. This finding shifts the focus from the brain to include other organs in the onset and progression of the disease. This focus on amyloid proteins is particularly significant because these proteins are known to form deposits that significantly impact brain function in Alzheimer's patients. The discovery that these proteins might originate in the liver opens up new questions about their role in the disease's development and progression. Researchers are now considering how these proteins might travel from the liver to the brain and what this means for preventing or treating Alzheimer’s. This line of research could lead to innovative treatment strategies that target these proteins at their source, potentially offering more effective ways to manage or prevent the disease by addressing its systemic nature. Reference: #Alzheimers #BrainHealth #LiverFunction #MedicalResearch #Neuroscience #FactWednesday #FactasticbyBiorus #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    The Delcon Milano is an award-winning mixer that has transformed the process of blood collection with its design and technology. Recognized with the prestigious 2022 Compasso d'Oro Award, the Milano stands out for its ability to handle demanding environments with ease. Its core feature is bidirectional data communication, which allows it to seamlessly integrate with leading industry ERPs. This integration supports advanced functionalities like real-time donor identity verification through the device's display, significantly enhancing the efficiency and safety of blood collection operations. Furthermore, the Milano is expertly designed for use in mobile environments. Its compact and ergonomic structure includes an integrated barcode reader and a high-capacity swappable battery that supports up to 100 collections on a single charge. This makes it highly effective for use outside traditional medical facilities, such as in mobile blood drives. Additionally, the device offers exceptional precision with a certified scale accurate to 1 gram, which is critical for ensuring the correct volume of blood is collected and processed quickly in subsequent laboratory steps. Through thoughtful design and advanced technology, the Milano improves essential healthcare processes, making blood collection safer, quicker, and more efficient. #blooddonation #blooddonor #medicaldevices #blooddrive #biorus

  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know that the stethoscope, a fundamental tool in modern medicine, was invented almost by accident in 1816 by a French physician named René Laennec? He needed to assess the heart sounds of a young female patient, but direct chest auscultation was considered improper due to her gender. Laennec's innovative solution was to roll up a sheet of paper, creating a tube that he could use to listen to her heart. This makeshift device not only preserved the patient's modesty but also amplified the heart sounds significantly, improving the accuracy of his diagnosis. This initial invention led to the development of the stethoscope we know today. Laennec later refined his design, replacing paper with a hollow wooden cylinder, which was the precursor to modern stethoscopes. By 1851, the stethoscope had evolved into a binaural instrument, with earpieces for both ears, thanks to further modifications by other medical practitioners. This tool completely transformed medical practice by giving doctors a new way to hear the sounds of the heart and lungs, making diagnoses more precise and deepening their understanding of various cardiac and pulmonary conditions. #modernmedicine #medicaldevices #stethoscope #factasticbybiorus #factthursday #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know, Monkeypox was first identified in Denmark in 1958, not in humans but in research monkeys, which led to its name. However, monkeys aren't the primary carriers; rodents and other small mammals are often the natural reservoirs. The virus, part of the same family as smallpox, was first observed in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This case occurred during smallpox surveillance efforts, and the virus has since been endemic in parts of Central and West Africa. Over time, it became clear that monkeypox could be transmitted not only through animal contact but also between humans via respiratory droplets, bodily fluids, and contaminated materials. From a medical perspective, monkeypox presents with symptoms similar to smallpox, including fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a characteristic rash that progresses from red spots to pustules. Unlike smallpox, however, monkeypox has a lower fatality rate and is less contagious. Yet, with no specific treatment available, early diagnosis and supportive care are crucial. The smallpox vaccine has been shown to offer some protection against monkeypox, but its discontinuation after the eradication of smallpox left many populations vulnerable. Today, with the virus spreading beyond its endemic regions, scientists are intensifying research into vaccines and therapeutic options to contain this growing global health threat. #mpox #monkeypox #diagnostics #endemic #factthursday #factasticbybiorus #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    As the World Health Organization declared the recent mpox (monkeypox) outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, swift and accurate detection of the virus is critical to curbing its spread. With the rapid rise in cases globally, healthcare professionals need reliable diagnostic tools to make timely decisions. VIRCELL S.L.'s Monkeypox Realtime PCR kit is designed to meet this urgent need by providing fast and reliable results in just 1 hour and 30 minutes. This multiplex PCR kit is equipped with a double target assay, specifically detecting nucleic acids from the Monkeypox virus (MPXV) using the F3L gene and the Orthopoxvirus genus using the E9L gene. In times of an emergency like this, a dependable tool like the Vircell Monkeypox RT PCR kit can significantly impact controlling the outbreak, helping medical professionals make informed decisions that could save lives. #mpox #monkeypox #WHO #RTPCR #Diagnostics #MedicalEquipment #MedicalSupplies #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common bacterial infection affecting the stomach lining, often leading to serious conditions such as peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. Despite its prevalence, many individuals remain undiagnosed due to the limitations of traditional diagnostic methods, which can be invasive and uncomfortable. Advancements in immunodiagnostics offer a promising alternative for H. pylori screening. The Virclia Lotus from VIRCELL S.L. is a fully automated system for stool antigen detection, simplifying the process and making it non-invasive and more accessible. The Helicobacter Pylori Ag monotest features a sandwich chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) with fast and easy pre-analytical treatment, requiring no centrifugation. It delivers results in just one hour using monoclonal antibodies for antigen capture. This method ensures excellent diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, with individual quality control per test. Discover the impact of modern immunodiagnostics on H. pylori screening and its potential to improve gastrointestinal health management. #gastrointestinal #diseases #stooltests #antigentest #CLIA #medicaldevices #diagnostics #biorus

  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know, photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an innovative treatment that uses light-sensitive drugs and light to destroy cancer cells. This therapy is minimally invasive and can target specific areas, making it particularly effective for certain types of skin, lung, and esophageal cancers. By activating the photosensitizing agent with a specific wavelength of light, PDT produces reactive oxygen species that kill cancer cells while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. Moreover, photodynamic therapy is also being explored for treating infections and other non-cancerous conditions. Its precision and reduced side effects compared to traditional treatments make it a promising option in the medical field. As research advances, PDT could become a more widely used and effective tool in the fight against various diseases, offering hope for less invasive and more targeted treatment options. Reference: #cancer #light #therapy #diagnostics #FactasticbyBiorus #FactWednesday #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Male infertility is a significant issue, contributing to nearly half of all infertility cases worldwide. Around 40-50% of infertility problems are due to male factors, affecting millions of couples. As male fertility declines with age, it's essential to diagnose and treat these issues effectively to support family planning and mental well-being. The SCA Scope from Microptic, A Hamilton Thorne Inc. Company, offers an advanced solution for semen analysis. This system performs comprehensive assessments, including concentration, motility, morphology, and DNA fragmentation, all without human intervention. With features like AI integration, multi-patient capability, and a user-friendly interface, the SCA Scope ensures accurate and efficient analysis. It also supports complex statistics and integrates seamlessly with Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), making it a valuable tool in reproductive health diagnostics. #semenanalysis #CASA #fertility #malefertility #biorus

  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know, the field of regenerative medicine is making incredible strides with the use of stem cells. These cells have the unique ability to develop into different types of cells in the body, which means they can be used to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs. Researchers are utilizing the power of stem cells to develop treatments for a variety of conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries. For instance, stem cell therapy is being explored as a way to regenerate damaged heart tissue after a heart attack, potentially reducing the risk of heart failure. In diabetes, stem cells could be used to create insulin-producing cells, offering a potential cure for the disease. The potential of stem cells extends beyond just treatment. They offer hope for improved outcomes in diseases that currently have limited treatment options. Clinical trials are ongoing to test the efficacy and safety of stem cell therapies in humans, with promising results already emerging. For spinal cord injuries, stem cell therapy aims to restore function by regenerating nerve cells that have been damaged. The future of medicine looks increasingly promising as these advancements move from the lab to clinical practice. #stemcells #stemcelltherapy #regenerativemedicine #diagnostics #Medicine #FactasticbyBiorus #biorus

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة BIORUS، رسم بياني

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    Did you know, the first microbe ever discovered was a bacterium by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676. Using a self-made microscope, he unveiled the microscopic world for the first time. Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch cloth merchant with no formal scientific training, ground lenses to create powerful microscopes. His meticulous observations and detailed drawings provided the first glimpses of bacteria, protozoa, and microfungi, including the microfungus Mucor. Leeuwenhoek's discoveries were groundbreaking, but surprisingly, he never received any formal scientific prizes. His work was recognized by the Royal Society in London, which published many of his letters and findings, and he became a member in 1680. His legacy, however, is profound—Leeuwenhoek is often referred to as the 'Father of Microbiology,' and his pioneering techniques laid the foundation for the field. In recent years, microbiology has continued to evolve, with discoveries like the 'Asgard archaea,' a new branch of life believed to be the closest relatives to eukaryotes, further expanding our understanding of the tree of life and the origins of complex cells. #MedicalDiscoveries #Microbiology #Research #FactasticbyBiorus #biorus

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