SPOTTERON hat dies direkt geteilt
Interesting call opportunity! If a team is looking for innovative and modern #CitizenScience Apps and Monitoring tools, let us know @ SPOTTERON! :) We are happy to join consortiums or supply projects with privacy-safe and European-centric digital tools.
📢 The second iMERMAID EU Open Call is here! 📢 Regional and local authorities are invited to propose their cases and showcase the feasibility, replicability and scaling up of iMermaid solutions 💡. Receive financial support and take part in the #MissionOcean & Waters journey in protecting and restoring European waters 🌊. 🗓️ Apply before 3 April 2025. Find out more 👉 CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency EU Science, Research and Innovation EU Environment and Climate Elisabetta Balzi EcoDaLLi Project BlueMissionAA BlueMissionMed Blue Mission Banos Project