Sefa Partnerships proudly supports Think Forward in addressing disadvantage in Australia through bold structural tax reform. Their new campaign takes aim at key issues like supporting entrepreneurs, tackling affordable housing, and challenging the inequities in our tax system that impact Australians differently across generations. These aren’t just ideas—they’re actionable solutions that could transform lives and communities. Get involved today!
CEO of Think Forward, economist & geographer, designing economic and tax systems for sustainable, shared prosperity.
Big day at Think Forward HQ. We are so excited to be sharing our call to action and campaign for 2025: ‘Tax Wealth, Not Work’ 🔥 Four years of research and chats with policy experts and younger people has made it very clear that the tax system is broken. Our tax system rewards the wrong things, notably wealth accumulation for the already wealthy over the hard work and effort of those just starting out. This year we are looking for political leaders who show leadership and plan for the long term. We can’t afford to keep structural tax reform in the ‘too-hard basket’. Our campaign starts today and includes an open letter that we will deliver to the new Parliament, a social media campaign and various reports and events throughout the year. To add your support, please sign the open letter via our website: Or, become an organisational partner and we’ll add your logo to the letter. We'd so love to have you. Feel free to reach out for a chat. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us to this point: Mannifera, ACOSS Australian Council of Social Service, Prosper Australia, The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA), Run For It, Reichstein Foundation, Uniting Church Synod of Vic/Tas, Sefa Partnerships, Miranda Stewart, Kathryn James, Katherine Trebeck, Emma Dawson, Saul Eslake, Peter Lewis, Rayna Fahey, James Hall, Cassandra Goldie AO, Peter Davidson, Sonia Arakkal, Jane Body, Megan Shellie, Alexander Ritchie, Eleanor Searle, Alex Mortan-Brown, Kira Todd, Geetha Pathanjalimanoharar, Max Stella, Angela Stevens, Matthew Benetti, Caitlin Figueiredo