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Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)

Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)

Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

Brussels, Brussels Region 9,865 followers

ASD is the voice of European Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries.

About us

ASD is the voice of European Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries. With 25 major European companies and 23 National Associations as our members, the overall representation adds up to more than 4,000 companies across 20 European countries. We are actively supporting the competitive development of the sector in Europe and worldwide. Our members collectively employed over 1 million people and generated a turnover of €693bn in 2023 – accounting for 97% of the aerospace and defence industry's turnover within the EU Member States

Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
Company size
11-50 employees
Brussels, Brussels Region


Employees at Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)


  • ASD welcomes the Joint White Paper for European Defence Readiness 2030, presented by the European Commission and the High Representative, setting a framework for a new approach to defence, and announcements to mobilise additional funding for defence. As a trusted partner for our armed forces, the European defence industry stands ready to bolster Europe’s capacity to defend itself and deter military aggression. The industry is at a critical juncture: after decades of underinvestment, it must now scale up production dramatically and at an accelerated pace. To achieve this, urgent action from the EU and member states is vital. We support in particular the White Paper’s call for more collaborative procurement. Aggregation of demand and harmonisation of requirements would significantly contribute to achieving economies of scale, reducing lead-time and prices, and enhancing efficiency. At the same time, it is of utmost importance that new orders are placed with European providers to reduce critical dependencies and strengthen Europe’s security of supply and freedom of action. From an industrial perspective, it is essential that European countries place orders for new defence equipment with a long-term perspective to provide planning certainty. With such visibility, the European defence industry is fully able and ready to rapidly increase production further, deliver at pace, and meet European needs with state-of-the art equipment and solutions. We also welcome suggested measures in the White Paper: ✅ that aim to ensure security of supply with essential raw materials and components ✅ enhance access to finance ✅ leverage the full industrial ecosystem including the role of SMEs ✅ stimulate research to foster innovation ✅ and facilitate the recruitment and (up-)skilling of labour force. Equally important is the announced Defence Omnibus Simplification to cut red tape and overcome regulatory hurdles. Time is of the essence. We therefore call upon all relevant stakeholders at EU and national level to act with speed, including to rapidly implement the proposals made in the White Paper. The defence industry looks forward to the proposed Strategic Dialogue with the Commission. Image: © European Union, 2025, CC BY 4.0

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  • The Antwerp Declaration Monitoring Report on EU Clean Industry goals has been launched, as competitiveness takes centre stage at the European Council meeting this week. As European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated, “Only what gets measured gets done.” The Antwerp Declaration Monitoring Framework, developed by Deloitte with input from Antwerp Declaration signatories, establishes Key Performance Indicators to track progress on the Clean Industrial Deal. These indicators will ensure accountability and drive action to strengthen Europe’s industrial competitiveness. Aviation must be included as a key sector in this transition, recognised as essential for Europe's green transition. ASD urges EU leaders to provide targeted support, including continued funding for critical initiatives such as Clean Aviation and SESAR, scaling up Sustainable Aviation Fuels, optimising air traffic management, and advancing next-generation aircraft technologies; critical to maintaining the sector’s competitiveness and achieving Europe’s net-zero goals. An action plan for the sector should address four key areas: ✅ SAF Industrial Policy: Set out a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) industrial policy, including the necessary financial tools. ✅ Research & Innovation: Accelerate research, innovation, and deployment through increased funding for SESAR and Clean Aviation in the next MFF. Protect the budget of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) from further cuts to avoid delays in certifying and deploying new technologies. ✅ Regulatory Support: Implement Mario Draghi’s recommendations to simplify and reduce regulatory burden while ensuring a consistent supportive regulatory and investment framework, building on the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation. ✅ Energy & Raw Materials: Ensure low-carbon energy and critical raw material needs are factored into EU and national energy and critical raw material policies and plans. Find out more: #EUCleanIndustry #Aviation #AntwerpDeclaration #CleanIndustrialDeal #GreenTransition #EUCompetitiveness #DelivertheDeal

  • Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) reposted this

    View profile for Bertrand de LACOMBE

    Head of Regulatory and External engagement, Airbus

    At the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), in Brussels, as Chair of its Civil Aviation Business Unit (CABU), I had the honor of welcoming #FilipCornelis, Director of #Aviation at the European Commission and his colleague Andrei Mungiu. I thank them for our open discussions on current European and international developments in the sector: the #CleanIndustrialDeal, regulatory simplification, the situation of #SAFs, Research programs, the upcoming ICAO Assembly, etc. A dense and necessary regular dialogue. Thanks to the ASD team for the preparation! Vincent De Vroey Belarmino Paradela Stuart Anderson Vanessa RULLIER-FRANCAUD Kyriaki Tsekme Airbus GIFAS - Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales Sylvain Four (crédit photos Nicolas GRANIER, ATR 🙏)

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  • Following today’s Special European Council, EU leaders reiterated their commitment to reinforce overall defence readiness, reduce strategic dependencies, address critical capability gaps and strengthen the European defence technological and industrial base. In a statement, ASD Secretary General Jan Pie stressed that the European defence industry stands ready to bolster Europe’s capacity to defend itself and further ramp-up its production capacities – but it needs long-term procurement contracts. It is now more than obvious that Buy European is a strategic imperative, Europe must reduce – ideally avoid – critical dependences on non-European suppliers.    Find the full statement on the ASD website:

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  • ASD welcomes the Warsaw Call on Cybersecurity which rightfully underscores: “The need for a fortified cybersecurity across all sectors has never been more urgent”.   Achieving this won’t be possible without European cyber solutions – provided by European industry.   The next step after the Warsaw Call? A comprehensive European cyber industrial policy. We need a clear, coordinated framework that brings together all relevant instruments – backed by a strong EU commitment to drive the development and adoption of European cybersecurity and defence technologies. Prioritising European solutions should be at the heart of this effort.   ASD members stand ready to collaborate with Commissioner Henna Virkkunen and her team at the European Commission/EU Digital & Tech to make a European cyber industrial policy a reality. Learn more about it in our note on the importance of the ASD ecosystem for Europe’s cybersecurity and cyber defence capacity.

    🚨 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗱! 🚨 EU ministers met in Warsaw for the first-ever TTE Telecom Council entirely dedicated to cybersecurity. The result? The Warsaw Call – a bold step towards strengthening Europe’s digital resilience, civil-military cooperation, and crisis management. 📌 6 key areas of action: 🔹 Stronger crisis management & cyber defences 🔹 Closer EU-NATO collaboration 🔹 More investment in emerging technologies 🔹 Effective implementation of NIS2 🔹 Tackling the cybersecurity skills gap 🔹 Cyber diplomacy for a safer EU The Warsaw Call is a game-changer for EU-wide cybersecurity coordination. 🔜 More to come! Read more: #Poland25eu — 🚨 𝗗𝗲𝗸𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗷𝗮 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗮𝘄 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗽𝗿𝘇𝘆𝗷ę𝘁𝗮! 🚨 Ministrowie UE spotkali się w Warszawie na pierwszym w historii posiedzeniu Rady TTE Telecom w całości poświęconym cyberbezpieczeństwu. Efekt? Warsaw Call – odważny krok w kierunku wzmocnienia cyfrowej odporności Europy, współpracy cywilno-wojskowej i zarządzania kryzysowego. 📌 6 kluczowych obszarów działania: 🔹 Skuteczniejsze zarządzanie kryzysowe i obrona cybernetyczna 🔹 Zacieśnienie współpracy UE-NATO 🔹 Większe inwestycje w nowe technologie 🔹 Efektywne wdrożenie dyrektywy NIS2 🔹 Walka z niedoborem ekspertów ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa 🔹 Cyberdyplomacja dla bezpiecznej Europy Warsaw Call to przełom w koordynacji cyberbezpieczeństwa w całej UE. 🔜 Więcej już wkrótce! Dowiedz się więcej:

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  • Don’t miss this update from ASD! This newsletter is packed with insights and updates from ASD, including: ➡️Aviation industry reacts to Clean Industrial Deal ➡️ Destination 2050 Roadmap update ➡️ Simplified Technical English (STE100) Issue 9 released ➡️ SAF Production Toolkit unveiled ➡️ SME Council launched ➡️ Digital Transformation Commission takes off ➡️ Media coverage of ASD’s call for "European-First" defence strategy

  • Today in Antwerp, 400 business leaders and industry representatives – including Vincent De Vroey representing ASD, as well as the other Destination 2050 partners from the aviation sector– met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to discuss the newly published Clean Industrial Deal. While the Deal is a positive first step, Europe’s aviation industry is calling for more to secure its future. A year ago, the #AntwerpDeclaration set out a vision for restoring Europe’s industrial strength. Over 1300 signatories later, the message is clear: Europe must turn ambition into action. #DeliverTheDeal Europe’s aviation sector – represented by ASD, Airlines for Europe (A4E), ACI EUROPE, CANSO Europe and European Regions Airline Association – welcomed the Clean Industrial Deal as a positive first step towards balancing industrial decarbonisation and economic competitiveness, but reiterated its call on the European Commission to go further to take concrete steps to safeguard the aviation industry’s competitiveness with a dedicated strategy and action plan.  Key priorities include:  ✅ A comprehensive EU aviation industrial strategy anchored by the Sustainable Transport Investment Plan (STIP).  ✅ An ambitious EU strategy to scale up Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production.  ✅ Alternative financing mechanisms to support the transition.  ✅ Greater investment in research and innovation for next-generation aircraft and Air Traffic Management technologies. The EU must take the lead to ensure European aviation remains globally competitive throughout this transition. The time to act is now. Read the full story and learn what’s at stake:

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  • ASD Civil Aviation Director, Vincent De Vroey highlights the importance of this week’s International Civil Aviation Organization Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) meeting in Montreal. As part of ICCAIA - International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations, we’re committed to working with ICAO to set credible and ambitious standards for aircraft noise and emissions. Together, we’re proving that competitiveness and environmental protection go hand in hand. 

    View profile for Vincent De Vroey

    Director of Civil Aviation at AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)

    Important decisions expected at this week’s ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) meeting in Montreal under the snow. ICAO plays an important role to set the international standards for civil aviation. Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) as part of ICCAIA - International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations is working with ICAO to ensure credible and ambitious standards for aircraft noise & emissions. Competitiveness and environmental protection go hand in hand since environmental protection is the license for aviation to continue growing in a sustainable manner!

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  • The aviation industry thrives on collaboration, and last week saw a further step forward in strengthening the dialogue between regulators and industry stakeholders. François Duclos, Airbus Executive Expert in Certification, Rulemaking, and Airworthiness, was elected as the new Chair of the EASA - European Union Aviation Safety Agency Stakeholder Advisory Body (SAB). This appointment reflects the critical role of industry expertise in helping shape the future of aviation safety and regulation. The EASA SAB serves as one of the two advisory bodies to EASA to facilitate dialogue between EASA and industry stakeholders – the other being the Member States Advisory Body. The SAB serves as a vital platform for collaboration, bringing together representatives from across the aviation ecosystem – commercial operators, aviation personnel, manufacturers, general and non-commercial operators, air traffic management/air navigation services (ATM/ANS), airports, training industries, air sports, maintenance, aerospace medicine, drones operators and ground handling – to provide input on strategic priorities and regulatory developments. Congratulations to François Duclos on this well-deserved appointment. ASD looks forward to continuing our active participation in the SAB, working alongside EASA and industry partners to shape a safer and innovative future for aviation.

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  • The Destination 2050 alliance has sent an urgent letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, warning that achieving net-zero aviation by 2050 – and maintaining Europe’s global competitiveness – is at risk without immediate action. The industry has a clear path to net-zero, but: ➡️ Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) face production and cost challenges. ➡️ New aircraft, engine, and ATM technologies require accelerated funding and deployment. ➡️ The cost of decarbonisation has surged by €480 billion, now totalling €1.3 trillion. Aviation is a strategic asset for Europe’s economy and connectivity. To secure its future, we call on the EU to: ✅ Establish a SAF industrial policy with financial support. ✅ Increase funding for Clean Aviation, SESAR, and EASA so that new technologies can be certified and deployed without delays.  ✅ Reduce regulatory barriers and ensure a stable investment framework. ✅ Ensure our low carbon energy and critical raw material needs are factored in EU & national energy and critical raw material policies and plans. This is a defining moment for Europe’s aviation industry. The time to act is now! Read the full open letter on our website: Airlines for Europe (A4E), ACI EUROPE, CANSO Europe, European Regions Airline Association

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