I am thrilled to announce that I graduated with great distinction (Magna Cum Laude) from the prestigious International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering IMFSE. The program is coordinated by Ghent University, The University of Edinburgh, Lund University, and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya as main partners. This allowed me to meet, learn from, and connect with people from around the world and with varied expertise for which I am deeply grateful and honoured.
I am sincerely thankful to Bart Merci, Rory Hadden, Enrico Ronchi, and Eulalia Planas, whose efforts and guidance as local coordinators at each university are reflected in the great success and top-notch quality of the program. Much of such quality is also due to the people involved in the fire safety field who are always willing to help, contribute, and share with each other. Thus, I want to thank all my professors, staff, colleagues/friends/classmates, and people involved in the program for enhancing this journey and allowing me to make the most of it. This was definitely one of the most enriching experiences of my life.
Huge thanks go to my thesis supervisors Bart Merci and Georgios Maragkos for their time and invaluable help towards the completion of this journey's last stage. Likewise, special thanks go to Grunde Jomaas and the FRISSBE team for welcoming me to Slovenia and having me in their laboratory to perform a research internship project that boosted my skills and was the perfect complement to my formative experience.
Finally, I can say that these two years of high-level studies, nice trips around Europe, and amazing memories with the people I met have allowed me to grow in several dimensions and I am looking forward to the new challenges ahead in my career.
#IMFSE #Graduated #FireSafetyEngineering