INNO4CFIs Project’s cover photo
INNO4CFIs Project

INNO4CFIs Project

Environmental Services

Promoting regenerative carbon farming and nature-based business models, technology, and innovation for climate solutions

About us

INNO4CFIs - Nature-Based Business Model and Emerging Innovations to enhance Carbon Farming Initiatives (CFIs) while preserving Biodiversity, Water Security and Soil Health - is a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund I3 instrument. The aim is to promote carbon farming and nature-based business models, technology and innovation to increase CO2 uptake while nurturing vital environmental benefits like freshwater production, soil restoration, and biodiversity enhancement. With a focus on carbon farming initiatives and reforestation, the objective is to develop a Carbon Technology Platform, redefine carbon farming and create a highly replicable and scalable business model in the Carbon Farming sector. Demonstrated in 4 living labs, INNO4CFIs is integrating highly innovative technologies including desalination-, mycellium-, satellite and space technologies and finances other green technologies by a cascade funding scheme to foster resilience and competitiveness in European regions. The INNO4CFIS consortium, led by Fondazione E. Amaldi, consists of 14 partners representing the innovation ecosystem of 13 different regions from 8 European countries (IT, GR, SP, BE, NL, IE, AT, DE). Partners: - Fondazione E. Amaldi (IT) - coordinator - Planet (IT) - Treedom (IT) - Space4Good (NL) - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante (IT) - F6S (IE) - AB Corporation (BE) - Circonnact – Regenerative Circularity (AT) - University of Salamanca (SP) - National Technical University of Athens (GR) - AINIA (SP) - NOVOBIOM (BE) - TREEO | Fairventures Digital GmbH (DE) - Rancho Guarena (SP)

Environmental Services
Company size
51-200 employees
European Union
Green Technologies, Carbon Farming, Reforestation, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Green Innovation, Satellite-based Technology, i3 Instrument, EU Project, Naturebased solutions, and Business models



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