IPPF European Network

IPPF European Network


Brussels, Brussels 3,359 followers

About us

The International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN) is a leading advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. We work in 41 countries to empower all women, men and young people, especially the most underserved and socially excluded, to live with dignity and to exercise their human right to universal access to sexual and reproductive care. Eradicating poverty and gender inequity is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in all countries, yet this cannot be achieved without universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). IPPF EN covers a hugely diverse region stretching throughout Europe and Central Asia. From Iceland to Kyrgyzstan, and Norway to Israel, our member associations are independent organisations championing the needs of their local populations, especially the most marginalised. They all provide essential sexual and reproductive health care, from equipping young people with emotional and sexual literacy, family planning guidance for all and HIV prevention, and care, to safe and legal abortion, support for survivors of rape and sexual violence, and maternal health care.

Company size
11-50 employees
Brussels, Brussels
gender equality, sexual and reproductive rights, sexual health, women's rights, humanitarian, human rights, family planning, contraception, reproductive health, gender, HIV prevention, and STI prevention


Employees at IPPF European Network


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    #WeekInReview     👉New RFSU report tackles how to deal with global impact of Project 2025 https://bit.ly/3yXbZcl  🔴Polish abortion guidelines suggest liberalization off the agenda https://bit.ly/4ggUHaH  📉Share of women MEPs drops for 1st time in EP history https://bit.ly/3zaenwh 🌍From 2019-2022, gender equality stagnated or declined in 40% of countries in the world https://bit.ly/4e9AtOd  📄 UN Pact of the Future draft falls short to embed gender equality in every action https://bit.ly/3ThnxOk  🤳 Engaging youth on sexual health via socials https://bit.ly/47jGRk2 

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    New deadline for applications! September 15.

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    ⚠️ Project 2025 is a global nightmare – European leaders must act ⚠️ Our new report shows that the far-right and ultraconservative plan for a takeover of the US government could have enormous negative global consequences for gender equality, LGBT+ persons rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). RFSU is now calling on the Swedish government to create a European emergency plan. ➡️ Read more in our press release: https://lnkd.in/dVP_ZdEe Regeringskansliet, Utrikesdepartementet Tobias Billström

    • American flag, RFSU logo and the text: "RFSU alerts. Project 2025 attacks US foreign assistance, the multilaterial system and gender equality globally".
    • Lina Fridén, President of RFSU, and the quote: "Today, 300,000 women die each year from complications related to pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abortion. Without US foreign assistance, the world's maternal mortality rate would increase significantly".
    • Text: "From global nightmare to gender equality for all. European leaders must develop a crisis plan to address the devastating consequences of Project 2025".
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    #WeekInReview      📩 MEPs & CSOs ask the EU Commission to react to Bulgaria's homophobic law https://bit.ly/3X4kFpd  🏥 Poland’s first abortion clinic to open after fundraising https://bit.ly/4e3Pv8c  🔴 Study reveals high rates of unprotected sex among youth in EU https://bit.ly/3X9Fj7t  👩⚕️ New law in Norway highlights inequities in abortion access https://bit.ly/3WX7aHG 🌎 New CRR report on climate, environment justice & SRHR https://bit.ly/4dF5NVf  🤝 How the EU contributes to shaping global health initiatives https://bit.ly/4dE4E0r  🚫 Afghan women face new severe restrictions in public and their homes https://bit.ly/3YXVHdM

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    📣 Are you a new Member of the European Parliament or Accredited Parliamentary Assistant? Join us on 11 September at the European Parliament in Brussels for our Meet & Sip reception! 🥂🇪🇺 This special event is co-organised by CONCORD, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) and VOICE EU, and kindly co-hosted by MEP Udo Bullmann, coordinator for the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament in the Committee on Development (DEVE). This will be a unique opportunity to meet key representatives of European civil society in the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding fields. Please register via the following link to express your interest in attending. Kindly note that registration does not guarantee your place: https://lnkd.in/eZAz_CJg

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    The recently launched Danish Africa Strategy, “Africa’s Century,” advocates for increased action, strengthened diplomacy, and enhanced equal partnerships with African countries. However, it falls short by omitting critical issues such as sexual and reproductive rights, combating gender-based violence, gender equality, and LGBTIQ+ rights. Additionally, the strategy lacks dedicated chapters on human rights, democracy, and gender equality. As the strategy is implemented, we hope that attention will be given to the safety of women in the workplace, as well as to the significant role women play in peace initiatives. This is equally important in the context of migration and climate adaptation, where the impacts on men, women, girls, and minorities differ significantly. Incorporating a gender lens is essential to the success of this strategy. Read more below. Sex & Samfund / Danish Family Planning Association

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    Generalsekretær i Sex & Samfund - tlf: 61204275. Formand, Mændendes hjem. Master i Konfliktmægling. Ledelse/ seksualitet, køn og rettigheder / ligestilling/konfliktmægling / forhandling/ socialpolitik

    Tanker om Afrika strategien-ris og ros Man skal give ros, når det er fortjent, og efter at have læst regeringens strategi ’Afrikas århundrede’, der blev præsenteret i går, er det bestemt værd at påpege de positive takter, Lars Løkke Rasmussen Dan Jørgensen har slået an. Baggrunden er en geopolitisk analyse, hvor verdens tyngdepunkt i disse år rykker sig østpå, og Afrikas fremtid derfor bliver stadig mere påvirket af kræfter, vi ikke værdimæssigt kan spejle os i. Men også en kontinent som spiller er stærk rolle i fremtiden. Det er bestemt positivt, at strategien lægger op til, at vi skal handle mere, styrke diplomatiet og partnerskaber. Og at det skal hvile på ”et stærkt værdisæt” af danske værdier. Set fra Sex & Samfunds side er der dog nogle områder, vi håber, kommer til at spille en mere central rolle, når strategien skal blive til virkelighed. Bl.a. ligger et stort fokus i strategien på erhverv og jobskabelse i lyset af befolkningstilvæksten i Afrika. En fuldstændig afgørende faktor, for at danske virksomheder kan bidrage i den henseende, er inddragelsen af kvinder på arbejdsmarkedet på ordentlige vilkår. Kønsaspektet i strategien er dog desværre så godt som fraværende, selvom vi ved, hvor vigtigt netop den faktor er for nærmest alle forhold i et samfund. I Sex & Samfund / Danish Family Planning Association har vi igennem 10 arbejdet med arbejdsgiver og branche organisationer i øst Afrika for at skabe arbejdspladser hvor kvinder trygt kan gå på arbejde, både når de har menstruation eller bliver gravide - eller hvor de kan undgå at blive udsat for voldtægt og uønsket graviditet. Vores erfaring er at der findes arbejdsgivere i Afrika, som både værdimæssigt og på bundlinjen kan se fordelen ved trygge arbejdspladser. Over hele verden er der en anerkendelse af, at når kvinder bliver inviteret med til bordet, bliver fredsinitiativet mere robuste og socialt retfærdige. Det var også en afgørende del af DK’s kampagne for en plads i FN’s sikkerhedsråd. Alligevel er den brede inddragelse også her fraværende, selvom tematikken “fred og konflikt” har sit eget vigtige og relevante afsnit i strategien. Den samme pointe gør sig også gældende, når det kommer til emnerne migration og klimatilpasning, hvor vi ved, hvor forskelligt mænd, kvinder og minoriteter bliver påvirket. Hele strategien hviler på idéen om pragmatisk idealisme, som konkret bliver oversat til “mindre moralisme og mere ligeværd”. I en verden præget af hård geopolitisk konkurrence forstår jeg analysens udgangspunkt, men der er en risiko for, at balancen tipper, og at vi kommer til at ofre idealerne for pragmatismens alter. Som strategisk partnerorganisation for Udenrigsministeriet kommer vi til at følge implementeringen af strategien tæt og bidrage med alt det vi kan. For ambitionen om at DK skaber et styrket partnerskab med Afrika støtter vi. For DK’s skyld - men mest af alt for de millioner af afrikanske unge, der i 2050 vil udgøre en tredjedel af verdens unge.

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    #LastWeekToday     💊 Irish Free Contraception scheme will soon cover women & girls 16+ https://bit.ly/3T3W4iZ  🗺️ Map of contraception access in Spain https://bit.ly/3X38B7K  🗳️ US: Montana's General Election ballot will include the option to protect abortion care https://bit.ly/3yXnRef  📰 IPPF AWR releases report on SRHR & SGBV projects in humanitarian settings https://bit.ly/4dD9qLB  ⚖️ Venezuela's new “anti-NGO law” punishes victims assistance & HRDs https://bit.ly/3X483OO  🔴 Mpox emergency response should adopt an HR-based approach https://bit.ly/4fYY5H4

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    🔴 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the surge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and several African countries a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). ❗ IPPF is deeply concerned about this development and stands in solidarity with the affected communities. This rapid spread of a new mpox strain underscores the urgent need for a coordinated global response. We call on international partners to mobilize resources and support efforts to curb this outbreak, ensuring equitable access to vaccines, diagnostics, and care. IPPF will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available. Read more 👉 https://lnkd.in/dN45XXQM

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