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📣 Calling all those interested in nuclear research! Register now for the EURATOM METIS Final Symposium. The day will be dedicated to presenting the METIS project's outcomes and results from the last four years which have sought to improve and develop new tools and methodologies (mainly the Probabilistic Safety Assessment methodology) used in seismic safety assessments of nuclear power plants. By aiming to provide more accurate evaluations of nuclear power plant safety under different seismic conditions, the day will also harness new outlooks on further research needs looking beyond the project. METIS invites everybody interested in seismic safey assessment of nuclear plants to join the project consortium for this final project event! 🗓 21 May 2025 📍 EDF R&D, Lab Paris-Saclay ➡️ Find event and more information, including the agenda, on our website: 🔗 Register now and secure your spot! Spread the word and share within your networks! #METISSymposium #Euratom #SNETPportfolio #nuclearsafety #seismicrisk #nuclearsafety SNETP EDF EDF ENERGY R&D UK CENTRE LIMITED #ENERGORISK FONDAZIONE GEM Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre GFZ GEODYNAMIQUE & STRUCTURE IRSN Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia LGI Sustainable Innovation National Technical University of Athens #SSTCNRS #TUK University of Ljubljana #GRI North Carolina State University #PEER