Today is World Kidney Day 🎉 Celebrating 20 years of raising awareness about kidney health 🌍 The 2025 campaign #AreYourKidneysOK highlights the importance of #EarlyDetection in preventing and managing kidney disease. 👉 Share your WKD activity pictures and tag us - we’d love to feature your celebrations! International Society of Nephrology #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters
World Kidney Day
Public Relations and Communications Services
Brussels, Brussels 11,131 followers
World Kidney Day is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys.
About us
World Kidney Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health and to reduce the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. World Kidney day is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF). Get involved! Celebrated on the second Thursday in March, World Kidney Day pursues the following objectives: - Raise awareness about our "amazing kidneys" - Highlight that diabetes and high blood pressure are key risk factors for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). - Encourage systematic screening of all patients with diabetes and hypertension for CKD. - Encourage preventive behaviours. - Educate all medical professionals about their key role in detecting and reducing the risk of CKD, particularly in high risk populations. - Stress the important role of local and national health authorities in controlling the CKD epidemic. Health authorities worldwide will have to deal with high and escalating costs if no action is taken to treat the growing number of people with CKD. On World Kidney Day all governments are encouraged to take action and invest in further kidney screening. - Encourage transplantation as a best-outcome option for kidney failure, and the act of organ donation as a life-saving initiative. If detected early, Chronic Kidney Diseases can be treated--thereby reducing other complications and dramatically reduce the growing burden of deaths and disability from chronic renal and cardiovascular disease worldwide.
- Website
External link for World Kidney Day
- Industry
- Public Relations and Communications Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Brussels, Brussels
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2006
- Specialties
- Nephrology, Education, Awareness, and Healthcare
Brussels, Brussels 1210, BE
Access to clean water is essential - not just for life, but also for kidney health. On #WorldWaterDay, we highlight the 2.2 billion people living without safe water and the urgent need for action. Clean water is vital for preventing kidney diseases and ensuring overall health. Let’s work towards #SDG6: water and sanitation for all by 2030! #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters United Nations
Excess sodium can make it harder for your kidneys to maintain balance, affecting blood pressure and overall health. ⚠️ Be mindful of hidden sodium in processed foods and prioritize cooking from scratch. #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters
Who are kidney donors? There are two types: living donors, who voluntarily donate a kidney, and deceased donors, who have previously expressed their wish to donate their organs. Every organ donation is a gift of life 💚 💡 Learn more: #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters
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“Pushing for progress simply, and heartbreakingly, requires that more people understand just how tough living with rare kidney disease is.” As she reflects on World Kidney Day and a recent visit from Jen, living with FSGS, our chief medical officer Jula Inrig shares the importance of research and innovation for the RKD community. #AreYourKidneysOK? #RareKidneyDisease #InRareForLife
This World Kidney Day, though progress has been made, we’re not there yet — and we’re not stopping
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Did you know we are all at risk for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - a sudden decline in kidney function that can develop quickly over hours or days with little warning? #AreYourKidneysOK? Learn more to help protect your kidneys. At Vantive, we're working to #ExpandPossibilities as we focus on supporting kidney recovery. In connection with the theme of this #WorldKidneyDay, we are committed to raising awareness about important kidney health topics like AKI. International Society of Nephrology, World Kidney Day
Keep adding your #WorldKidneyDay activities on the interactive map! The final activity count will be included in our impact report, helping us measure the global reach and awareness we have achieved together! 📍 Add your activities here: #WorldKidneyDay #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters
A big thank you to Novo Nordisk for supporting #WorldKidneyDay! 🙌 Their contribution plays a key role in spreading awareness about kidney health and early detection. #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters
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🔊 ŚWIATOWY DZIEŃ NEREK 2025 ➡️ „Czy Twoje nerki dostają OKejki?” ➡️ 20 marca 11.00–12.00 ➡️ Webinar online 👉 Zapraszamy na webinar edukacyjny dotyczący przewlekłej choroby nerek (PChN) przygotowany we współpracy DaVita Polska i OSMN Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Moje Nerki. 🆘 Na PChN choruje blisko 5 milionów Polaków, a temat tej choroby i jej leczenia wydaje się ciągle nie mieć należytego miejsca w dyskursie publicznym. Wspólnie staramy się to zmienić. 🔊 Na spotkaniu powiemy, na czym polega przewlekła choroba, jakie możliwości w jej obliczu ma współczesna medycyna i jak zmienić system leczenia, tak by lepiej opiekował potrzeby pacjentów i był efektywny z punktu widzenia państwa. ⭐ Spotkanie poprowadzi: dr hab. n. med. Szymon Brzosko, nefrolog, transplantolog kliniczny, Dyrektor Medyczny DaVita Polska. 👉 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗱𝗼 𝘇𝗮𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼́𝘄 𝗻𝗮 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿: #DaVita #RodzinaEkspertow #DaVitaWay #dializy #hemodializa #nerki #pchn #pacjent #opiekanefrologiczna #nefrologia #opiekakoordynowana #patientsafety
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Dita Botërore e Veshkave 2025: Diagnostim i hershëm, Mbrojtje e shëndetit të veshkave! 🌍 Në këtë #WorldKidneyDay, ndihemi krenarë që ishim pjesë e lëvizjes globale për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin për shëndetin e veshkave. Këtu në Diaverum Albania, zhvilluam aktivitete në të gjithë vendin për të edukuar dhe angazhuar komunitetin mbi rëndësinë e shëndetit të veshkave. ✨ Iniciativat tona përfshinë: 🩺 Seminar për të sjellë edukimin për shëndetin e veshkave në shkolla, duke fuqizuar brezin e ardhshëm me njohuritë për parandalimin e sëmundjeve të veshkave 📚 Informimi i komunitetit dhe ekzaminime falas: Ofrimin e testimit falas për shëndetin e veshkave në lokacione të ndryshme në të gjithë vendin - për ta bërë këtë proces të shpejtë, të lehtë dhe aksesueshëm nga të gjithë. Besojmë se rritja e ndërgjegjësimit dhe fuqizimi i individëve me njohuri është hapi i parë drejt krijimit të një ndikimi të qëndrueshëm. Faleminderime për të gjithë që morën pjesë, dolën vullnetarë dhe na mbështetën në misionin tonë për të përmirësuar shëndetin e veshkave. #WorldKidneyDay #WKD2025 #AreYourKidneysOK #KidneyHealthMatters #DiaverumAlbania #Diaverum World Kidney Day