Latest Blog Posts from Richard Howard

Recognizing AS Milestones

Recognizing AS Milestones

Do you remember the day you were diagnosed, the end of your “diagnostic journey”? Was it a lonely journey? Lately, I find myself less comfortable with the term “journey” ...

By Richard HowardSeptember 13, 2023
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Thriving During the Holidays With AS

Thriving During the Holidays With AS

Living with ankylosing spondylitis, do you thrive and not just survive during holidays? Everyday life, especially these days during the pandemic, can feel like we’re adrift ...

By Richard HowardDecember 28, 2021
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After A Near-Fatal Error, I’ve Built a Team of Doctors I Trust

After A Near-Fatal Error, I’ve Built a Team of Doctors I Trust

What’s my relationship like with my doctor? Well, it’s complicated. Perhaps I shouldn’t be the person addressing this topic. I’m tainted. Even my spouse gave me ...

By Richard HowardSeptember 7, 2021
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Fighting Stress Helps Me Manage AS Flares

Fighting Stress Helps Me Manage AS Flares

My expectation is that there will not be an earthquake today. That all my family, friends and community members that are healthy today will be healthy tomorrow ...

By Richard HowardAugust 6, 2021
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How Diet Affects My AS

How Diet Affects My AS

A man with ankylosing spondylitis talks about how watching what he eats helps him manage his condition.

By Richard HowardJuly 12, 2021
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How I've Used Yoga to Improve My Ankylosing Spondylitis

How I've Used Yoga to Improve My Ankylosing Spondylitis

An AS patient shares his journey with yoga and the many ways it benefits his arthritis.

By Richard HowardMay 27, 2021
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