Latest Blog Posts from Serena Valentine

What Hurricane Beryl Taught Me About Type 2 Diabetes Management

What Hurricane Beryl Taught Me About Type 2 Diabetes Management

What a major hurricane taught me about self-care for diabetes in the event of a natural disaster.

By Serena ValentineAugust 15, 2024
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What I've Learned After 21 Years of Living With Type 2 Diabetes

What I've Learned After 21 Years of Living With Type 2 Diabetes

After living a long time with diabetes, I have learned so much. I personally know others who have lived longer than I have with diabetes, but ...

By Serena ValentineJuly 10, 2024
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Summertime and the Living Is Easy -- Even With Type 2 Diabetes

Summertime and the Living Is Easy -- Even With Type 2 Diabetes

Not only is it hot in Houston, TX, but it’s also very humid. So if you live with diabetes like I do, you should take extra precautions to stay safe and well ....

By Serena ValentineJuly 5, 2024
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What I Want the Black Community to Know About Diabetes

What I Want the Black Community to Know About Diabetes

We all hear about how diabetes has a high prevalence within the Black and African American communities here in the U.S., but why ....

By Serena ValentineMay 29, 2024
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What I Would Tell Someone Who Has Been Newly Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

What I Would Tell Someone Who Has Been Newly Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

No one wants a diagnosis for a chronic illness, especially one that you don’t know much about. Diabetes is so widespread, that everyone knows someone ...

By Serena ValentineApril 17, 2024
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Let’s Get Personal: What Is Self-Care To You?

Let’s Get Personal: What Is Self-Care To You?

Self-care is different for each individual because everyone has different needs. Some folks may need help with their mental and emotional health ....

By Serena ValentineApril 3, 2024
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