Beyond Gravity

Beyond Gravity

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

Challenge the impossible!


Beyond Gravity (formerly RUAG Space), headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, is the first space company to combine a startup mindset, agility, speed and innovation with decades of experience and proven quality. Approximately 1800 employees at 14 locations in seven countries (Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Germany, USA, Portugal and Finland) develop and manufacture products for satellites and launch vehicles with the goal of advancing humankind and enabling the exploration of the world and beyond. Beyond Gravity is the preferred supplier of structures for all types of launch vehicles and a leader in selected satellite products and for constellations in the New Space sector.

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Zurich Airport
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


  • Primär

    The Circle 23 (Building 16 / 7th Floor)

    Zurich Airport, 8058, CH


Beschäftigte von Beyond Gravity


  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    The Future Space Conference kicked off yesterday in Linköping, and Beyond Gravity, as co-organizer next to Saab and Maxar Space Systems, is thrilled by the large number of participants attending the discussions and presentations. With 130 participants, the past two days have provided captivating exchanges between industry and academia. "It became evident to all that the capabilities enabled by space infrastructure are crucial for many parts of society" says Magnus Engström who was on site yesterday and today. Further Information:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    In one month, our thermal system engineer Adeeb Nazeeruddin will present at ESA Technology ESTEC (Netherlands) our capabilities for 🛰 spacecraft thermal architecture. Beyond Gravity provided thermal design, modelling, and analysis for the European Space Agency - ESA FLEX spacecraft (Fluorescence Explorer) platform. The FLEX satellite will map vegetation ☘ fluorescence to quantify photosynthetic activity. The prime contractor for the FLEX spacecraft is Thales Alenia Space. (c) ESA / ATG Medialab

    • The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) mission will provide global maps of vegetation fluorescence, which can be converted into an indicator of photosynthetic activity. (c) ESA/ATG medialab
  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    The space market is changing drastically. “The recipes of the past will most likely not be the recipes of the future”, said Oliver Grassmann, EVP Satellites Beyond Gravity, at the Aviation & Space Symposium 🛰 in St. Gallen. "The space industry has gone into a new era and there is no way back to the old world of having very specialized and unique satellite designs", he said. “Designing a satellite today is very much like playing with LEGO: you build something unique using the set of standardized pieces you have available.” He spoke ahead of an audience of around 300 persons.  

    • Oliver Grassmann, EVP Satellites at Beyond Gravity, during his key note at the Aviation and Space Symposium St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    Great news 👇 For the first generation of Eutelsat OneWeb 🛰 internet satellites, we provided structures (acting as the satellites’ backbone) & thermal insulation (protecting the satellites from cold and heat in space). And they were transported in our spacecraft container.

    Unternehmensseite von Airbus US Space & Defense, Inc. anzeigen, Grafik

    11.425 Follower:innen

    👋 Today, our #MerrittIsland team waved goodbye to the last batch of our Gen1 satellites. This journey has finally come to an end but there are exciting things on the horizon. Off to the next adventure! 🚀

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  • Beyond Gravity hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von André Wall anzeigen, Grafik

    CEO Gruppe bei RUAG International & Beyond Gravity

    Herzlichen Dank an das SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen - Team für den kürzlichen Beitrag in der Tagesschau-Sendung und die Möglichkeit, unsere Position zum Privatisierungsprozess von Beyond Gravity darzulegen. Die Privatisierung ist der richtige Weg, um das Unternehmen – auch im Interesse der Schweiz – nachhaltig erfolgreich weiterzuentwickeln. Die Sicherung der Arbeitsplätze in der Schweiz und das langfristige Engagement des neuen Eigentümers sind zentrale Punkte des Prozesses. Bisherige Verkäufe von RUAG International haben gezeigt, dass für alle Firmen sehr gute Lösungen für die Mitarbeitenden mit neuen Wachstumsperspektiven gefunden werden konnten. Beyond Gravity liefert Einzelprodukte für Trägerraketen und Satelliten, baut aber keine eigenen. Rund 95 Prozent unseres Umsatzes erwirtschaften wir im Ausland, vor allem in den USA und Europa. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf den zivilen Raumfahrtmarkt und verfügen auch über keine sicherheitspolitisch relevanten Technologien, Aufträge oder Daten. Um im rasant wachsenden kommerziellen Markt mit hohem Kostendruck wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, sind Investitionen im mittleren dreistelligen Millionenbereich sowie schnelle Entscheidungen und Risikobereitschaft unerlässlich. Die Privatisierung bietet die besten Voraussetzungen dafür, dass die Schweiz auch in Zukunft ein konkurrenzfähiges Weltraumunternehmen hat, das sowohl mit den technologischen als auch den wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Weltraummarkt Schritt halten und langfristig Arbeitsplätze sichern kann. Der geplante offene und transparente Verkaufsprozess, bei dem der Bund in jedem Fall das letzte Wort hat, stellt sicher, dass die Interessen der Schweiz gewahrt bleiben. Dieser sieht schon heute vor, dass der Käufer aus der westlichen Welt stammen und die sicherheits-, standort- sowie weltraumpolitischen Interessen der Schweiz berücksichtigen muss.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    As a key strategic partner for the Swedish space industry and with its excellent industry knowledge, Beyond Gravity is pleased to organize this year's Future Space Conference in Linköping, Sweden. Together with two companies, Maxar Space Systems and Saab, Beyond Gravity will host the national industry to discuss topics related to the commercial, institutional and military space industry. On September 16 and 17, we will offer industry representatives the opportunity to dive deep into the world of space through presentations and panel discussions with leading experts in space technology and research. We are looking forward to two exciting days and the exchange with the space industry. Further information at:

    Beyond Gravity is co-organizer of Future Space conference in Linköping | Beyond Gravity

    Beyond Gravity is co-organizer of Future Space conference in Linköping | Beyond Gravity

  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    This week the European environmental satellite 🛰 Sentinel-2C was brought into space. In orbit the centimeter-precise position of the satellite will be determined with the help of technology from Beyond Gravity’s site in Vienna, Austria. The more accurate the positioning, the more accurate the data the satellite will provide. Currently, 25 Beyond Gravity navigation receivers are determining the position of satellites in space for several European and international missions. Sentinel-2 data are currently being used for agriculture, water quality monitoring, natural disaster management, including wildfires, volcanic eruptions and floods. 

  • Unternehmensseite von Beyond Gravity anzeigen, Grafik

    65.656 Follower:innen

    Yesterdays' launch was Vega’s 20th successful launch in its 12 years of service 🚀 After the final flight of Vega, the Vega-C rocket, which is already in service, will continue to be used in the future. For Vega-C, we provide the payload fairing, the On Board Computer and the payload adapter system, including the separation system. (c) ESA–S. Corvaja

    • Vega with Sentinel-2C gantry roll back

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